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面试过程中,面试官会向求职者提出很多问题,而应聘者的回答将成为面试官考察并初步了解他的重要依据,面试自我介绍是向用人单位展示你自己的一个重要手段,面试自我介绍的好坏直接影响到你给对方的第一印象.面试自我介绍要将自己最美好的一面,毫无保留地表现出来,令对方留下深刻的印象. 百大应届生就业网总结了一些面试自我介绍技巧供大家参考:
(1) 面试自我介绍是向别人展示你自己的一个重要手段,面试自我介绍好不好,甚至直接关系到你给别人的第一印象的好坏及以后交往的顺利与否.
(2) 面试自我介绍不仅仅是展示自己的手段,同时,也是认识自我的手段.古人云:"知人者智,知己者明",常言道:"旁观者清,当局者迷",可见,要想认识自我,给自己一个准确的定位不是一件容易的事情,而通过写面试自我介绍,会对自己进行一个有意识的梳理.
思路: 1、这是面试的必考题目. 2、介绍内容要与个人简历相一致. 3、表述方式上尽量口语化. 4、要切中要害,不谈无关、无用的内容. 5、条理要清晰,层次要分明. 6、事先最好以文字的形式写好背熟.
思路: 1、 况对于了解应聘者的性格、观念、心态等有一定的作用,这是招聘单位问该问题的主要原因. 2、 简单地罗列家庭人口. 3、宜强调温馨和睦的家庭氛围. 4、 宜强调父母对自己教育的重视. 5、 宜强调各位家庭成员的良好状况. 6、宜强调家庭成员对自己工作的支持. 7、 宜强调自己对家庭的责任感.
思路: 1、业余爱好能在一定程度上反映应聘者的性格、观念、心态,这是招聘单位问该问题的主要原因. 2、 最好不要说自己没有业余爱好. 3、不要说自己有那些庸俗的、令人感觉不好的爱好. 4、 最好不要说自己仅限于读书、听音乐、上网,否则可能令面试官怀疑应聘者性格孤僻. 5、最好能有一些户外的业余爱好来"点缀"你的形象.
思路: 1、最崇拜的人能在一定程度上反映应聘者的性格、观念、心态,这是面试官问该问题的主要原因. 2、 不宜说自己谁都不崇拜. 3、不宜说崇拜自己. 4、 不宜说崇拜一个虚幻的、或是不知名的人. 5、 不宜说崇拜一个明显具有负面形象的人. 6、所崇拜的人人最好与自己所应聘的工作能"搭"上关系. 7、 最好说出自己所崇拜的人的哪些品质、哪些思想感染着自己、鼓舞着自己.
思路: 1、座右铭能在一定程度上反映应聘者的性格、观念、心态,这是面试官问这个问题的主要原因. 2、不宜说那些医引起不好联想的座右铭. 3、不宜说那些太抽象的座右铭. 4、不宜说太长的座右铭. 5、座右铭最好能反映出自己某种优秀品质. 6、 参考答案--"只为成功找方法,不为失败找借口"
思路: 1、不宜说自己没缺点. 2、 不宜把那些明显的优点说成缺点. 3、 不宜说出严重影响所应聘工作的缺点. 4、不宜说出令人不放心、不舒服的缺点. 5、可以说出一些对于所应聘工作"无关紧要"的缺点,甚至是一些表面上看是缺点,从工作的角度看却是优点的缺点.
思路: 1、 不宜说自己没有失败的经历. 2、 不宜把那些明显的成功说成是失败. 3、不宜说出严重影响所应聘工作的失败经历, 4、所谈经历的结果应是失败的. 5、 宜说明失败之前自己曾信心白倍、尽心尽力. 6、说明仅仅是由于外在客观原因导致失败. 7、失败后自己很快振作起来,以更加饱满的热情面对以后的工作.
思路: 1、 面试官试图从中了解你求职的动机、愿望以及对此项工作的态度. 2、 建议从行业、企业和岗位这三个角度来回答. 3、 参考答案--"我十分看好贵公司所在的行业,我认为贵公司十分重视人才,而且这项工作很适合我,相信自己一定能做好."
思路: 1、 不宜直接说出具体的困难,否则可能令对方怀疑应聘者不行. 2、可以尝试迂回战术,说出应聘者对困难所持有的态度--"工作中出现一些困难是正常的,也是难免的,但是只要有坚忍不拔的毅力、良好的合作精神以及事前周密而充分的准备,任何困难都是可以克服的."
思路: 1、 如果应聘者对于应聘的职位缺乏足够的了解,最好不要直接说出自己开展工作的具体办法, 2、可以尝试采用迂回战术来回答,如"首先听取领导的指示和要求,然后就有关情况进行了解和熟悉,接下来制定一份近期的工作计划并报领导批准,最后根据计划开展工作."
思路: 1、一般可以这样回答"我会给上级以必要的解释和提醒,在这种情况下,我会服从上级的意见." 2、如果面试你的是总经理,而你所应聘的职位另有一位经理,且这位经理当时不在场,可以这样回答:"对于非原则性问题,我会服从上级的意见,对于涉及公司利益的重大问题,我希望能向更高层领导反映."
思路: 1、应聘者最好站在招聘单位的角度来回答. 2、招聘单位一般会录用这样的应聘者:基本符合条件、对这份共组感兴趣、有足够的信心. 3、如"我符合贵公司的招聘条件,凭我目前掌握的技能、高度的责任感和良好的饿适应能力及学习能力,完全能胜任这份工作.我十分希望能为贵公司服务,如果贵公司给我这个机会,我一定能成为贵公司的栋梁!"
思路: 1、 基本原则上"投其所好". 2、 回答这个问题前应聘者最好能"先发制人",了解招聘单位期待这个职位所能发挥的作用. 3、 应聘者可以根据自己的了解,结合自己在专业领域的优势来回答这个问题.
思路: 1、 如果招聘单位对应届毕业生的应聘者提出这个问题,说明招聘单位并不真正在乎"经验",关键看应聘者怎样回答. 2、对这个问题的回答最好要体现出应聘者的诚恳、机智、果敢及敬业. 3、如"作为应届毕业生,在工作经验方面的确会有所欠缺,因此在读书期间我一直利用各种机会在这个行业里做兼职.我也发现,实际工作远比书本知识丰富、复杂.但我有较强的责任心、适应能力和学习能力,而且比较勤奋,所以在兼职中均能圆满完成各项工作,从中获取的经验也令我受益非浅.请贵公司放心,学校所学及兼职的工作经验使我一定能胜任这个职位."
1. 请介紹你自己
Tell me about yourself.
Since this is often the opening question in an interview, be extra careful that you don't run off at the mouth. Keep your answer to a minute or two at most. Cover four topics: education, work history, core competencies and recent career experience. Emphasize this last subject. Remember that this is likely to be a warm-up question. Don't waste your best points on it.
For example:
I am currently studying for an EMBA from National Cheng Chi University. My working experience has been gained from jobs in different industries which include the IT field, service related companies, human resources and executive management. In terms of core competencies, I see myself as having the following skills, leadership, planning, prioritizing, time management and resource allocation. For the past 3 years, I have been the General Manager of Wall Street Institute Taiwan.
2. 你为什么要应征这份工作?
Why do you want to work for this company?
A good answer comes from having done your homework so that you can speak in terms of the company's needs. You might say that your research has shown that the company is doing things you would like to be involved with, and that it's doing them in ways that greatly interest you. If the company places a great deal of emphasis on research and development, emphasize the fact that you want to create new things and that you know this is a place in which such activity is encouraged.
For example:
I would like to work for Wall Street Institute Taiwan because I find that the goals of the company in wanting to provide a premium service to adult English learners is in line with what I would like to achieve as one of my personal goals. My goal is to be able to work for a service provider that prides itself on being the top in their industry and puts clients first when it comes to decision ma-ki-ng. My philosophy on how one should provide service to clients is to ask how we can help the client achieve his/her goals, rather than how much profit we can make off of him/her.
Please give me your definition of the position for which you are being interviewed. Keep your answer brief and task-oriented. Think in terms of responsibilities and accountability. Make sure that you really do understand what the position involves before you attempt an answer. If you are not certain. Ask the interviewer; he or she may answer the question for you.
For example:
A manager has the responsibility to lead a company using well defined strategies and tactics in order to meet the goals set out by the Executives of a company. A
manager also has to lead from the front and understand the duties and
responsibilities of his/her subordinates so that direction can be given if required.
4. 你认为什么是对这个职务上最重要的技能?
What do you think are the most important skills needed for this position? This is a question for you to show your understanding of this job. Before you applied, you should have already done your research into this job and company so that you are very clear about what is needed.
For example:
I believe that the skills needed to be a successful manager include abilities to: plan, prioritize, execute and motivate. Planning is very important as it will lead to a company's performance and direction. Prioritization is needed to make sure that your resources are allocated accordingly. Execution is an important skill because what is planned and said, needs to be carried out in the field and problems need to be identified after implementation. Motivation is a must because people are your most valuable asset, but even if people have all the necessary skills, if they lack motivation, they will not use those skills to their potential.
5. 请问你觉得你在这职务中较优于其它人的地方是?
What can you do for us that someone else can't?
Here you have every right, and perhaps an obligation, to promote yourself and be a bit egotistical. Talk about your record of getting things done, and mention specifics from your resume or list of career accomplishments. Say that your skills and interests, combined with this history of getting results, make you valuable. Mention your ability to set priorities, identify problems, and use your experience and energy to solve them.
For example:
I believe that I am able to use my leadership skills to lead a team successfully. My past experience has proven that I am results driven and can achieve the required goals within the time allocated. I have been able to do this because of my ability to prioritize, identify problems that occur in the field, and make necessary decisions when needed.
6. 你为什么离开上一份工作?
Why are you leaving (did you leave) your present (last) job?
Be brief, to the point, and as honest as you can without hurting yourself. Refer back to the planning phase of your job search. Where you considered this topic as you set your reference statements. If you were laid off in an across-the-board cutback, say so; otherwise, indicate that the move was your decision, the result of your action. Do not mention personality conflicts.
For example:
I am currently studying for an EMBA from National Cheng Chi University. My working experience has been gained from jobs in different industries which include the IT field, service related companies, human resources and executive management. In terms of core competencies, I see myself as having the following skills, leadership, planning, prioritizing, time management and resource allocation. For the past 3 years, I have been the General Manager of Wall Street Institute Taiwan.
7. 你的优点/缺点为何?
What are your strengths/weaknesses?
For these types of questions, I would focus on my strengths and try to change my weaknesses into what would seem like a positive.
For example: I would consider my ultimate strength to be working with unmotivated staff. I believe that my motivational skills are beneficial for employees that are not reaching their potential and need someone to give guidance and mentoring. In terms of weaknesses, I feel that my lack of patience with myself has almost always forced me to go the extra mile. Never giving myself an opportunity to rest or reflect.
8. 你愿意加班吗?
Are you willing to work overtime?
This question should be handled with care. You want to show your commitment, but you would also like to set some initial boundaries so that you are not exploited. Companies should not be hiring people just because they can employ someone that will work 80 hours a week for a 40 hour salary package.
For example:
I would be more than willing to work overtime if the company needed me to do so. I do believe that fulfilling your responsibilities is very important in any job and reaching your goals within a certain time is part of that. If I am behind in my work, or if the company on certain occasion that have special projects that need extra effort, I would be the first to offer.
9. 你的薪酬期待为何?
What do you feel this position should pay?
Salary is a delicate topic. We suggest that you defer tying yourself to a precise figure for as long as you can do so politely. If you are asked the question during an initial screening interview, you might say that you feel you need to know more about the position's responsibilities before you could give a meaningful answer to that question. Don't sell yourself short, but continue to stress the fact that the job itself is the most important thing in your mind. The interviewer may be trying to determine just how much you want the job. Don't leave the impression that money is the only thing that is important to you.
For example:
I understand that the range for this job is between $25,000 and $35,000. That seems appropriate for the job as I understand it. Or Perhaps you can help me on this one. Can you tell me if there is a range for similar jobs in the organization?"
10. 你有什么问题吗?
Do you have any questions? Ask questions that you need clarity on. Do not shy away from asking questions because you feel that the interviewer is going to be impatient or that you feel shy. Prepare beforehand so that you know what you want to find out about the company. It is very important that applicants to a company also "interview" the company and find information so that you can decide if you really will be suitable for the company or the company suitable for you.
For example:
What are the career prospects for a position like the one I am applying for? Does the company provide any employee benefits specifically related to training?
11. 如果我們雇用你你何時可以來上班?
If we hire you, when will you be available to start? This question should be answered clearly. Do not give a date and then change it later. If you have plans already, let the interviewer know so that s/he can make a plan for your first day of work. It will really bother the interviewer if they have scheduled to meet with you and have planned the training, only for you to call and say you need to do something and cannot be there. Be honest with the interviewer. For example:
I will be available on the 5th of July as my previous employers will need me to give them 2 weeks notice in order to hand over my job to my successor.
12. 你认为什么是当一个经理人或执行者最困难的地方?
What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a manager or executive? Mention planning, execution, and cost-control. The most difficult task is to motivate and manage employees to get something planned and completed on time and within the budget.
For example:
Managers will face many challenges but there are 3 that stand out for everyone. Planning, execution and cost-control. Planning and execution involves dealing with people and having to consider all your resources. The motivation of employees must be the single most difficult thing.
英语自我介绍 面试提问05-06
面试提问 职业规划04-30