
时间:2022-04-21 16:31:20 招聘与面试 我要投稿
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1. excuse me , may i come in?


2. come in please!

3. good morning. / good afternoon. / good evening.

4. how do you do?

5. sit down, please. / take a seat, please. / have a seat, please.

6. would you have a seat please?

7. how are you? / how are you doing? / how are you getting along?

8. i am fine, thank you.

9. im extremely well, thank you.

10. i am very well indeed, thank you.

11. great, thanks. / fine, thanks. / not bad, thanks. / so-so, thank you!

12. how s it going? / whats up? / whats happening?

13. not bad, thank you / so-so, thank you. great, thank you. / fine, thank you.

14. nothing much.

15. same as usual.

16. and you? / what about you? / how about you?

17. great, thanks. / fine, thanks. / not bad, thanks.

18. nice to meet you. / glad to meet you. / pleased to meet you!

19. its so nice to meet you. / i am pleased t meet you. / i am so glad to meet you.

20. so am i.

21. thank you. / thanks. / thank you very much. / thanks a lot. / thanks a million. / thank you so much.

22. see you later. / see you next time. / see you tomorrow. / see you.

23. goodbye. / bye. / so long.

24. good luck.

25. my pleasure. / its my pleasure to meet you.

26. its an honor to know you.

27. its a pleasure.

28. i am very happy to meet you.

29. how have you been?

30. fine, thank you.

31. the pleasure is mine.

32. i am honored.

33. i am happy to have the chance to meet you.

34. i am deeply indebted to you(.负债)

35. i appreciated everything youve done for me.

36. i am very grateful to you for your kindness.

37. thanks a lot for giving me this chance.

38. hope you have a good time.

39. wish you have a good time.

40. i am very glad to have the opportunity to meet you.

41. where are you from? / where do you come from?










