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Halloween as we know it today bears little resemblance tothe Roman harvest festivals especially celebrated the appleharvest.
The name Halloween comes from the 1500’s, and is avariation on “All-Hallows-Even”, the night before All SaintsDay, or All Hallows Day.? As with many things, the CatholicChurch had a holiday to coincide with a pagan celebration.?
万圣节名字的由来大约在1500年代。是由“All-Hallows-Even”演变而来。在天下圣徒之日(All Saints Day)即万圣节的前夕,天主教的教堂会以一个异教徒为批判对象举行一次集会。这就是万圣节的起源
So what do witches, ghosts, goblins, and the like have to dowith all this history? Read on to find out.
Corn Husks and Stalks of Wheat
The significance of corn husks and stalks of wheat is prettystraightforward.? Halloween comes in the autumn, the traditionalfestival celebrated the end of summer and the end of theharvest, so these images are meant to represent the end ofharvest and the beginning of winter.? Corn and wheat are
symbols of agricultural change, and the change of the seasons.?
The Colors Orange and Black
The colors orange and black are most likely further
representations of the time of year, rather than any Halloweenlore or mythology.? The color orange likely represents autumn,when the leaves change from green and orange pumpkins areripe for the picking.? As mentioned earlier, the Celtic festivalmarked the transition between “light” days and “dark” days– so the black likely represents those dark days of winter whenthere are fewer daylight hours to attend to the fields and crops.?Of course, the modern secular Halloween retailers have certainlypushed the orange-and-black as official colors of Halloween, sosuch an explanation seems weak, but it’s true.? Sorry, to quotesome movie somewhere, “orange is the new black.”? Or pink.?Or something.
As we move more into the “spooky” tales of the Halloweensymbol, we’ll start with spiders.? Go to a Halloween party andyou’re sure to see fake spider webs spread all over the place.?Forgoing a discussion of any potential mystical qualities a spidermight have (because, ew), it is significant that spiders weavewebs, which has long been associated with the passing of time,progress, and fate.? OK, so maybe that’s a little mystical too.?All in all, though, the spider’s spinning of its web is a great
natural representation of the cycle of life – a spider spins its web,bugs fly into the web, nourish the spider, etc.? Also, spiders likedusty, dark places.
双语新闻:英国推出“防僵尸木屋” 万圣节也醉了(图)
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Bats 蝙蝠
Bats are nocturnal?creatures, so it’s natural that a
celebration about the end of the light seasons and the beginningof the dark ones would incorporate them.? Additionally, in theold days Halloween meant big bonfires, which draw mosquitoesand moths, which would in turn draw bats,。Also, once vampirelegends made their way into Halloween folklore, the position ofthe bat was set – since it was thought that vampires couldtransform into bats.?
Black Cats 黑猫
OK, so while Halloween started out to be about the end ofharvest, etc., there are some ancient cultures who also believedthat, on Halloween night, the veil between the living world andthe spirit world was, if not lifted entirely, at least a little thinner.?Ancient Celtic religions taught that cats were reincarnated soulsof humans, and that they were able to see the future.? Also, itwas thought (as mentioned earlier) that witches could turn intocats.? Truth be told, most single ladies were thought to be
witches, and, just like today, many of the single ladies had?cats.?
So, in the 1600’s or so, the local cat lady would have probablybeen tried for witchcraft.
Skeletons 骷髅
The Druids and the Celts believed that the skull was the“psychic seat” of the human soul.? All in all, skulls and
skeletons are associated with Halloween because they representthe end of the physical part of life, something that is connectedto Halloween both because of the death of the “light” seasonsand because of the perceived connection to the spirit realm.
Ghosts 鬼怪
The idea of ghost plays into this idea that Halloween night isthe one night that the spirits of the ancestors are able to walkamong the living.?
Masks and Costumes 面具和服饰
Speaking of ghosts, what is Halloween without costumesBack in Celtic times, it was thought that if you could trick thespirit, the spirit would refrain from bothering you about peskythings like tributes and respect.? On a night that the “veil”
between the spirit world and the natural world was so thin, it’sbest to pretend to be someone else.? In the 1950’s, trick-or
treating became all the rage in the United States (can you believeit was that late?)
Pumpkin lanterns 南瓜灯
Originally, the beggars put candles inside them to light theirway from house to house to beg and pray.? Eventually, the
tradition changed to carving pumpkins, and Jack-o-Lanterns aswe know them were born.? One legend sticks out above allothers in regards to the Jack-o-lantern tradition.? An Irishmannamed “Stingy Jack” was a?drunk?and a prankster, and hemanaged to make both God and the Devil angry.? He died, andneither heaven nor hell wanted him, so he was stuck wanderingaround on earth.? He carried a turnip, hollowed out, with a
candle inside, to light his way, and to keep him from knocking ontheir door, the Irish would carve scary jack-o-lanterns to put
around their houses to keep him away. Or, so they believed, anda tradition was born.
罗伯特·布里奇 Robert Bridges - A School Portrait/r/n
我已有多年未访问伊顿公学;当有一天从Fellow’s Library [1] 经过进入陈列室时,我看到我的校友Digby Dolben [2] 的肖像与我们这个时代最卓越的人的肖像挂在了一起。我完全被吸引住了,而当我驻足凝视它时,我的同伴问我是否知道他是谁。我想,除了几个我记得起名字的人之外,我几乎一定是唯一知道的人了。少年时代的遥远记忆就像才发生一样向我簇拥而来:他又一次站在我身旁,年轻、踌躇满志;我仿佛能听到他的声音,他一点也没变;然而,当我被关于他的时间之雾包围时,我好奇他会怎么想,他是否知道在他去世30年后的这一刻,他的记忆会因此得以保存并受人敬仰,就在这所名校中,在他微妙的灵魂一度被奇怪地困扰的地方。/r/n
[1] Fellow’s Library位于剑桥大学耶稣学院,建于1676-77 年。/r/n
[2] Digby Dolben,罗伯特·布里奇的堂兄弟,英国诗人,于1867年6月28日溺水而卒。 Robert Bridges 译文赏析:/r/n
1、原文:“Far memories of my boyhood were crowding freshly upon me: he was standing again/r/n
beside me in the eager promise of his youth。”/r/n
这句翻译的很好。首先,作者把 ”freshly“ 译为”像才发生一样“,而我认为这一点比刘士聪先生译为”鲜活地涌进“更为合理。在汉语里用“鲜活地”显得很奇怪,因为“鲜活地”修饰后面的动作“涌进”,涌进不能说是“鲜活”,只能说是“迅速地”或者“大量地”。其次,”in the eager promise of his youth”译为“年轻、踌躇满志”也很巧妙。译者并没有死板得按照英文的语法顺序,而事实上这样做也根本行不通。把 ”youth” 译为汉语中的“年轻”,名词转化为形容词,而“eager promise”在理解意义的基础上找出对应的汉语四字结构,既语义准确,又没有丢掉英文的文笔。刘士聪先生译为“焕发着青春的风采”,显得有些平淡无味。/r/n
2、原文:while I, wrap from him in a confused mist of time, was wondering what he would think, could he know that at this actual moment he would have been dead thirty years, and that his memory would be thus preserved and honored in the beloved school, where his delicate spirit had been so strangely troubled./r/n
3、原文:which right loves to keep up an unbroken panorama of its teachers, and to vivify its annals with the faces and figures of the personalities who carried on its traditions./r/n
【相关文章】The History Halloween 万圣节的神秘起源/r/n
Halloween is on October 31st, the last day of the Celtic calendar. It was originallya paganholiday, honoring the dead. Halloween was referred to as All Hallows Eve and dates back to over 2000 years ago. 10月31日是万圣节,这也是凯尔特历的最后一天。万圣节起初是一个异教徒的节日,纪念死去的人。万圣节源于圣徒日前夜,始于2000多年前。 All Hallows Eve is the evening before All Saints Day, which was created by Christians to convertpagans, and is celebrated on November 1st. The Catholic church honored saints on this designated day./r/n
The Origin of Halloween/r/n
While there are many versions of the origins and old customs of Halloween, some remain consistentby all accounts. Different cultures view Holloween somewhat differently but traditional Halloween practices remain the same./r/n
Halloween culture can be traced back to the Druids, a Celtic/r/n
culture in Ireland, Britain and Northern Europe. Roots lay in the feastof Samhain, which was annually on October 31st to honor the dead./r/n
Samhain signifies "summers end" or November. Samhain was a harvest festival with huge sacred bonfires, marking the end of the/r/n
Celtic year and beginning of a new one. Many of the practices involved in this celebration were fed on superstition./r/n
The Celts believed the souls of the dead roamed the streets and villages at night.
Since not all spirits were thought to be friendly, gifts and treats were left out to pacifythe evil and ensure next years crops would be plentiful. This custom evolved into trick-or-treating./r/n
凯尔特人相信死者的灵魂会在夜里出没在街道和村庄 。因为他们认为不是所有的灵魂都是友善的,所以就把礼物和好吃的留在外面安慰恶灵来确保来年的庄稼可以丰收。这种习俗演变成了trick-or-treating。