- 相关推荐
The program of Plant Biology attracts me. This is an intercollege program, and students can communicate with different faculty members instead of only one. They have diverse expertise so students can learn more. One of the students from our college went to PSU two years ago, she said PSU has the perfect academic atmosphere and pay high attention to international students.
2.选择小校还是Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a big university like Harvard or Princeton?
First, I will choose a university according to its research area and quality. If they are similar, I will choose a large university because a large university will provide more chances to communicate with people of different background.
I learn PSU from my elder schoolmates.
Yes, they are XXXXXXXXX
5.申请了几个学校 5.
为什么只申请了5所这么少?I think 5 is enough. Even if I applied 20 schools, and get 10 offers, I can only accept 1 offer. Also, I didn't have much time to spend on application.
9.把本校放在第几位Where/How do you rank this university?
See the world
11.为中美两国教育体制的不同做了那些准备What preparations do you make when you are faced with the education differences between China and USA?
12.有没有同学在此学校就读 Yes. Miss XXXX
I am not sure now.
I only can come in August
14.如果给offer的话需要多久能答复?I’m afraid around April 15th.
15.有没有对哪个教授感兴趣Is there some special faculty you are interested in?
16.读过我的介绍吗?Yes, roughly.
19.你认为那些东西有助于申请What do you think will help to your application?
1.在这个学校怎样学习What's your plan in this university.?
2.希望通过研究生学习获得什么What do you want to receive through the graduate study ?
4.毕业后的打算What's your plan after you finish your study? What do you plan to do in the future? future career plan
5.是否回国Would you come back to your home country after your study? 6.会在美国找工作吗 Would you like to seek a job in USA?
after 10 years plant biology in China will develop to a critical period
9.你认为读PHD的最大困难是什么what will be the biggest difficulty in graduate study?
10.愿意做理论还是实验what you like, experimental of analytical?
1. xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
3. xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xx.
3.现在做什么What are you doing now? Would you please introduce your recent research work current research project (project thesis, content, evaluation, deficiency)?
1. xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
2. xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
3. The research project is very difficult?
I work over 12 hours a day, plan 5-6 years finished it
4.你现在课题的具体内容,感觉自己有何不足What is your research content now? What is your deficiency?
5.现在的专业是什么What is your major now? Say something about your work.
6.如何向一个没有专业知识的人介绍你的专业How do you introduce your major to a person who knows nothing about it?
7.是否提出过一些特别的观点Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?
8.从以前的工作中学到了什么what did you learn from your past work?
1. 你怎样学英语How do you study your English?
2. 在哪里上高中the secondary school?
3. 本科的学校大吗
5.学校的排名Where/How does your university rank?
6. 你的班级排名,年级排名 2/27 4/110
7. GPA为什么变低?
It is because I spent much of my time in the lab. Meanwhile, I participated in too many extracurricular activities in the second and the third year, and I didn't have an efficient time management. So I showed not so good in my academic performance.
8.学了多少门课/课程名称course name 61
10.关于它的研究有什么看法? about its research, any idea
Favorite: Plant Biology and Plant Physiology Why: I learnt about basic and specific structures of plants, and the classification of plants, and how plants grow and development
最不喜欢的:Introduction to Mao Zedong's Thoughts
Why: Since I don't quite know about politics.
学得最不好的:Introduction to Mao Zedong's Thoughts,I am not good at politics. 学得最好的: Plant biology
13. 是否用过英文教科书Did you use any English textbook in classes?
Yes. Biochemistry
14. 教书或主持会议的经验Tell me something about your teaching or conduct meeting experience.
15. 是否做过oral presentation
16. 最佳和最差的经历What were your best and worst experiences?
17. Tell me about a time when you experienced a failure. What did you learn from it?
18. 简历中的细节问题
1. 朋友的对你的评价how do your friends evaluate you?
2. 认为自己的品格怎么样What do you think of your personality?
I have capability of quick learning, high sense of responsibility, reliable
3. What are your weaknesses? How have you addressed these weaknesses?
4. Describe to the representatives who you are: your strengths/weakness, assets, and traits needing development.
5. 用三个词来向别人描述自己。为什么?Use three words to describe yourself to others. And why?
Responsible, reliable, careful
6. Are there any personal circumstances we should know about that you feel strengthen your application? Are there any circumstances that you feel might hinder or weaken your application?
能力 1. What are you most proud of?
2. 你本科最牛的是什么?
3. 为什么你值得我们投资investment?
4. 除了学习成绩, 你认为你最大的强项是什么
5.杰出的成就Have you achieved any achievements?
6. How do you define success? Be happy.
7.工作压力如何排解How do you release your work stresses? Music, movie
8.教授让你做你做不到的事情怎么办What will you do if the professor let you do what you can't do?
7.是否有无法完成的事Do you have something you can't complete?
8. How do you define teamwork?
9. What sort of team work experiences have you had in the past? What sort of role do you most often assume in a team work situation? Volunteer of Olympic Games
10. 领导才能,合作技巧leadership, cooperation skill
11. 如何解决困难settle the difficulties
12.做TA,RA的能力How about your abblity to be a teaching assistant?
It's no problem if use Chinese, but I need some practice in English
13. 业余活动Explain in further detail about extra curricular activities or professional accomplishments.
1. 爱好what's your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?
I like all kinds of arts, including music, dance, drawing, movies and so on. I play a little harmonica. As I hadn't received any training before, I selected some courses of arts during the last two years, such as Choral Arts, color still life sketch, Physical Building....
2.父母做什么的,家里的情况Tell me about your family.
3.崇拜的人Who is the great person in the world in your eyes?
4.是否爱运动 dance
5. 来自哪里Where are you from? 出生地和出生时间
6. 有哥哥姐姐吗Do you have sisters or brothers? No
社会政治经济问题的观点 1. 中国的独生子女政策What do you think of the only child policy of your country?
2. 你对美国当今社会的认识. 3. 你对恐怖主义有什么认识?
4. 问我对三峡大坝的看法
5. 你认为中国的教育体制怎么样? 如果你是胡-锦-涛,也就是你手中有了一个power,你将如 何解决中国的教育问题?
1. 你们学校什么时候放假When is the vacation of your University? Jan. 17
2. 天气 3. 现在是北京时间几点?
6.父母给学费,奖学金当生活费my parents provide me with tuition, and the fellowships cover my living expenses
问对方的问题Do you have any question to ask me?
1.您觉得我被录取和拿奖的机会如何? 2.什么时候最后决定
3. living expense, tution and fee,
4. 以后是TA or RA, 奖学金的数量(the amount of scholarship), the amount of TA,
5.该学校的气候(climate),生活环境(living environment),
6.some questions for pro, which is his project, how he become interested in this.想更深入地了解他的研究,他就说让我挑他的几篇文献告诉他,他好寄给我
9. Would you please introduce your near future research work?
10. How do you plan for your students' graduate study?
11. If admitted, what should I prepare for entering PSU and your group?
"Please speak loudly for my phoneline is not clear"
2.最后的时候,一定要thanks for calling。而且打完电话之后,还要跟上一封email。
I have no idea of it now. Can I reply you later by email?
4.Thank you for giving me this opportunity