

时间:2022-04-20 04:12:13 招聘与面试 我要投稿
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1."tell me about how you handled aconflict situation youencountered"


"i sat down with the other person and asked him to discuss hisissues with me.i then g***e myside of the story"

2."what books or magazines do you read?"

"a trade journal relevant to the company's line ofbusiness"

3."what motivates you?"

"a challenge and interesting work"

4."where do you plan to be in five years time?"

"your company structure make***e hope icould become astaff engineer"

5."what changes h***e youmade in your life that you are most proud of?"

"i went back to college to study for my mba"

6."what are your salary requirements?"

"salary is not my primary consideration but idoh***e to pay the bills,so iamopen to any reasonable offer"

7."what are some of your major weaknesses?"

"i am generally nervous giving presentations but,withpreparation,i h***e found iammuch more confident"

8"are you being interviewed by any other companies?"

"i do h***e some otheroptions,in this particular field,but this company i***y first choice"

9.if you had to compare yourself with any animal;which onewould it be and why?

"a lion because although they are independent,they also workwell within their group"

http://cankao.gcw818.comscribe how asport or hobby taught you alesson inteamwork?

"when iwas at college my basketball coach taught me to pass theball,if it was to my team's advantage.so now ialways look out formy team mates"

船长英文面试问题2015-11-11 20:43 | #2楼

1. can you tell me about your education background?

please refer to an master’s self-introduction in part one of this book.


2. what is a classification society? what is the purpose of classification survey? please list some famous classification societies in the world.

a classification society is usually an independent organization that carries out classification surveys, statutory surveys, surveys related to notarial matters for ships, offshore installations, marine freight containers, materials and marine equipment. it also provides safety management certification services to shipping companies and their ships. the purpose of classification survey is to evaluate the situation of a ship and the management of a company and its ship.

some of the famous classification societies are: nk(japanese 日本海事协会), ccs(chinese classification society), abs(american), dnv(norwegian), sl(british lloyd 英国劳氏), gl(german lloyd 德国劳氏), kr(korean), rina(意大利船级社)。

3. can you talk about the previous vessels worked on board?

please refer to an master’s self-introduction in part one of this book.


4. what type of cargo was carried on board your last vessel?










面试技巧 英文作文05-18

