
时间:2023-05-20 17:10:32 合同书 我要投稿




英文合同 篇1




  Employment Contract


  Party A:乙方Party B:



  Party A:地址:北京市西城区广安门南街80号中加大厦


  乙方Party B:



  护照号码Passport No.:_____________________

  在京居住地址Address (Beijing):


  其他紧急联络人Contact person in case of emergency:


  Party A and Party B agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter, in line with the principles of legality, justice, equality, voluntariness and mutual agreement.

  一、 雇佣期限

  ⅠEmployment term


  The employment term is1 year, lasting from 1stJul 20xx to 30th Jun 20xx. The probation period is one month, lasting from 1stJul 20xx to 1stAug 20xx.

  二、 雇佣内容及工作时间

  ⅡContent and working hours

  2.1 甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方完成以下内容的工作任务:

  Party A gives Party B the following work assignments according to its operating requirements:

  工作内容Job responsibilities:厨师Chef


  2.2 工作时间:乙方每日工作时间不超过9小时,平均每周工作不超过40小时,每周休息日为周日。甲方安排乙方延长工作时间,应安排乙方同等时间补休或依法支付加班酬劳。

  Party B works no more than 9 hours per day, no more than 54 hours per week; The Sunday is set as the official weekly rest days. Party A may extend Party’s B’s working hours on the basis of mutual agreement, and party B shall get corresponding deferred holidays or paid for the extended work hours in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  三、 报酬及其他福利

  ⅢRemuneration and other welfare benefits

  3.1 乙方的报酬为税前6500元/月,大写: 陆仟伍佰元

  乙方在试用期期间的报酬为税前5000元/月,大写 :伍仟元

  Party B’s salary is RMB 6500 Yuan(Six Thousand Five Hundred Yuan) per month, in the probationary period,The salary is RMB 5000(FiveThousand Yuan).


  After the probation,Party A shall pay 2% of profit to Party B as bonus in every mouth until Party B untilParty

  B is no longer work in Party A.


  After the probation, Party A shall provide Party B with a monthly housing allowance of RMB500.00.


  Party A shall pay Party B RMB 20 every day for Visa fee.

  3.2 甲方应于每月8号以货币或转帐形式足额支付乙方上述报酬。如遇节假日或休息日,应提前到最近的工作日支付,如因特殊原因延期支付报酬的,甲方应在五个工作日内向乙方说明原因。

  Party A shall pay salary to Party B before the 8th day of every month in the form of cash or bank-transfer. If the 8th day of the month falls in the weekend or holiday, the payment shall be brought forward to the nearest weekday. Party A shall inform Party B and explain the detailed reason within 5 work days in case Party A fails to pay the salary due to special reasons.

  3.3 甲方可根据生产经营的状况或乙方任务量和工作表现,适时调整乙方的报酬。

  Party A can adjust Party B’s salary according to its operating conditions, Party B’s workload and performance.

  3.4 当乙方的工作任务发生变化时,甲方可按规定调整其相应的报酬。乙方接受新的工作任务后,即视作接受甲方按照该工作任务重新确定的报酬。

  Party B’s labor remuneration will be adjusted in case Party A adjusts Party B’s job responsibilities. Accepting thenew position is regarded as accepting the adjusted salary.

  3.5 乙方应遵守国家及地方的税法制度,自行缴纳其个人收入的个人所得税,甲方无义务为其代缴。

  Party B shall pay personal income tax voluntarily according to the state’s tax law. Party A doesn’t shoulder the responsibility to withhold and remit taxes for Party B.


  Party B sick leave exceeds three days in one continuous period the Employer will pay at half your basic rate the first three days. Thereafter pay will be at the current rate of Statutory Sick Pay. Where periods of incapacity are linked, as laid down in DSS Statutory Sick Pay regulations, you will only receive Statutory Sick Pay at the current rate from the first day of incapacity.All leave due to sickness must be supported by a bona fide medical certificate.

  四、 雇佣合同的解除和终止

  ⅣContract Cancellation and Termination

  4.1 合同期满双方不再续签或者双方约定的合同终止条件出现时,雇佣合同即终止。

  This contract shall be terminated once it expires and both parties do not extend the contract.

  4.2 经合同双方当事人协商一致,本合同可以解除。

  The contract may be canceled based on both parties’ mutual negotiation.

  4.3 乙方应遵守中国的法律、法规及有关规定,乙方如违反上述规定,甲方有权即时解除合同;乙方因健康原因,经医生证明连续病休15工作日后仍不能继续工作,甲方有权提前终止合同。

  Party B should abide by China laws, decrees and related regulations and Party A’s working systems. During the duration, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract in case Party B violates China laws and decrees, and terminate the contract before expiration in case Party B cannotresume his or her work for health reasons after the medical certification of continuous sick rest for 15 working days.

  4.4 乙方因归国或其他私人原因未正常出勤且超过十天且未向甲方做出书面说明的,本合同自动终止。 The contract will automatically terminate in case Party B is absent for over 10 days without written explanation due to homecoming or other private reasons.

  4.5 乙方被证明无法完成本合同项下的工作任务,甲方有权随时解除本合同。

  In case Party B is proved to be not competent for the work under the contract, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract at any time.

  4.6 乙方应严格遵守甲方的工作规定以及规章制度,尽职尽责,否则,甲方有权随时解除合同并追究因此而造成的经济损失,并有权对所造成的经济损失在乙方的报酬中作相应扣除。

  Party B should abide by Party A’s working systems, rules and regulations. Otherwise, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract and claim a corresponding compensation of any economic loss from Party B’s payment.

  4.7 乙方有权提前30 日以书面形式通知甲方解除本合同,在试用期内提前3日通知甲方即可解除。

  Party B should inform Party A in written form 30 days in advance for canceling the contract, and 3 days in advance during the probation period.


  Ⅴ Others

  5.1 其他未尽事宜,双方可参照甲方公司内部的相关规章制度执行。

  Other items not stipulated by the two parties can be implemented according to the internal rules and regulations of Party A.

  5.2 甲乙双方均应遵守本合同之约定,任何一方违约,非违约方均有权要求违约方承担相应的损失。

  The two parties should abide by the contract. In case one party tears up the contract, the other party has the right to require the defaulting party to undertake corresponding loss.

  5.3 甲乙双方在本合同的执行中如有争议,可协商解决。

  For disputes during the execution of the contract, the two parties can settle them through negotiations.

  5.4 本合同分为中英两种文本,每种文本具有相同的法律效力;如两种文本产生冲突,则中文文本为作准文本。

  The contract has two versions in Chinese and in English. The twocopies are equally authentic. In case any dispute happens, the Chinese version shall prevail.

  5.5 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,每份具有同等法律效力。本合同经甲、乙双方签字盖章后生效。

  The contract is in duplicate, held by Party A and Party B respectively. The twocopies are equally authentic. The contract comes into effect upon signatures or seals of both parties.


  Party A:***** Technical Consulting Party B (Signature):

  (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


  Authorized Representative:





  Employment Contract

  甲 方:******(北京)有限公司

  Party A:

  乙 方Party B:



  Party A:



  乙方Party B:



  护照号码Passport No.:_____________________

  在京居住地址Address (Beijing):

  联系方式Contact:_________________________ _________ ____

  其他紧急联络人Contact person in case of emergency:


  Party A and Party B agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter, in line with the principles of legality, justice, equality, voluntariness and mutual agreement.

  一、 雇佣期限

  Ⅰ Employment term

  雇佣期限为___ __年,自______年__ _月__ _日起至______年__ _月__日止,其中试用期为_____

  个月,自______年__ _月___日起至______年___月__ 日止。

  The employment term is ________year(s), lasting from _______________ to ___________. The probation period is __________month(s), lasting from ___________ to ______________.

  二、 雇佣内容及工作时间

  Ⅱ Content and working hours

  2.1 甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方完成以下内容的工作任务:

  Party A gives Party B the following work assignments according to its operating requirements:

  工作内容Job responsibilities: 工作地点Place:北京 Beijing

  2.2 工作时间:乙方每日工作时间不超过8小时,平均每周工作不超过40小时,每周休息日为周六、日。甲方安排乙方延长工作时间,应安排乙方同等时间补休或依法支付加班酬劳。

  Party B works no more than 8 hours per day, no more than 40 hours per week, and Saturday and Sunday are set as the official weekly rest days. Party A may extend Party’s B’s working hours on the basis of mutual agreement, and party B shall get corresponding deferred holidays or paid for the extended work hours in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  三、 报酬及其他福利

  Ⅲ Remuneration and other welfare benefits

  3.1 乙方的报酬为税前__________ 元/月 ,大写:

  乙方在试用期期间的报酬为税前_____ ____元/月,大写:

  Party B’s salary is RMB _per month in the probationary period and RMB after the probationary period.


  After the probation, Party A shall provide Party B with a monthly housing allowance of RMB5,000.00. Party A shall provide the invoice of rent payment for reimbursement. The monthly date for reimbursement is on the 8th day of each month. If the 8th day of the month falls in the weekend or holiday, the payment shall be brought forward to the nearest weekday. Party A shall inform Party B and explain the detailed reason within 5 work days in case Party A fails to pay the salary due to special reasons.

  3.2 甲方应于每月8号以货币或转帐形式足额支付乙方上述报酬。如遇节假日或休息日,应提前到最近的工作日支付,如因特殊原因延期支付报酬的,甲方应在五个工作日内向乙方说明原因。

  Party A shall pay salary to Party B before the 8 day of every month in the form of cash or bank-transfer. If the 8th day of the month falls in the weekend or holiday, the payment shall be brought forward to the nearest weekday. Party A shall inform Party B and explain the detailed reason within 5 work days in case Party A fails to pay the salary due to special reasons.

  3.3 甲方可根据生产经营的状况或乙方任务量和工作表现,适时调整乙方的报酬。

  Party A can adjust Party B’s salary according to its operating conditions, Party B’s workload and performance.

  3.4 当乙方的工作任务发生变化时,甲方可按规定调整其相应的报酬。乙方接受新的工作任务后,即视作接受甲方按照该工作任务重新确定的报酬。

  Party B’s labor remuneration will be adjusted in case Party A adjusts Party B’s job responsibilities. Accepting the new position is regarded as accepting the adjusted salary. th

  3.5 乙方应遵守国家及地方的税法制度,自行缴纳其个人收入的个人所得税,甲方无义务为其代缴。

  Party B shall pay personal income tax voluntarily according to the state’s tax law. Party A doesn’t shoulder the responsibility to withhold and remit taxes for Party B.

  3.6 乙方在合同期内享受中国法律规定的节日,公休假日,另外公司每年为其提供5天的带薪休假。

  Party B is entitled with all legal holidays in accordance with the state’s regulations, In addition, Party B enjoys a paid leave of 5 days each year.

  四、 雇佣合同的解除和终止

  Ⅳ Contract Cancellation and Termination

  4.1 合同期满双方不再续签或者双方约定的合同终止条件出现时,雇佣合同即终止。

  This contract shall be terminated once it expires and both parties do not extend the contract.

  4.2 经合同双方当事人协商一致,本合同可以解除。

  The contract may be canceled based on both parties’ mutual negotiation.

  4.3 乙方应遵守中国的法律、法规及有关规定,乙方如违反上述规定,甲方有权即时解除合同;乙方因健康原因,经医生证明连续病休15工作日后仍不能继续工作,甲方有权提前终止合同。

  Party B should abide by China laws, decrees and related regulations and Party A’s working systems. During the duration, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract in case Party B violates China laws and decrees, and terminate the contract before expiration in case Party B cannot resume his or her work for health reasons after the medical certification of continuous sick rest for 15 working days.

  4.4 乙方因归国或其他私人原因未正常出勤且超过十天且未向甲方做出书面说明的,本合同自动终止。 The contract will automatically terminate in case Party B is absent for over 10 days without written explanation due to homecoming or other private reasons.

  4.5 乙方被证明无法完成本合同项下的工作任务,甲方有权随时解除本合同。

  In case Party B is proved to be not competent for the work under the contract, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract at any time.

  4.6 乙方应严格遵守甲方的工作规定以及规章制度,尽职尽责,否则,甲方有权随时解除合同并追究因此而造成的经济损失,并有权对所造成的经济损失在乙方的报酬中作相应扣除。

  Party B should abide by Party A’s working systems, rules and regulations. Otherwise, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract and claim a corresponding compensation of any economic loss from Party B’s payment.

  4.7 乙方有权提前30 日以书面形式通知甲方解除本合同,在试用期内提前3日通知甲方即可解除。

  Party B should inform Party A in written form 30 days in advance for canceling the contract, and 3 days in advance during the probation period.


  Ⅴ Others

  5.1 其他未尽事宜,双方可参照甲方公司内部的相关规章制度执行。

  Other items not stipulated by the two parties can be implemented according to the internal rules and regulations of Party A.

  5.2 甲乙双方均应遵守本合同之约定,任何一方违约,非违约方均有权要求违约方承担相应的损失。

  The two parties should abide by the contract. In case one party tears up the contract, the other party has the right to require the defaulting party to undertake corresponding loss.

  5.3 甲乙双方在本合同的执行中如有争议,可协商解决。

  For disputes during the execution of the contract, the two parties can settle them through negotiations.

  5.4 本合同分为中英两种文本,每种文本具有相同的法律效力;如两种文本产生冲突,则中文文本为作准文本。

  The contract has two versions in Chinese and in English. The two copies are equally authentic. In case any dispute happens, the Chinese version shall prevail.

  5.5 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,每份具有同等法律效力。本合同经甲、乙双方签字盖章后生效。

  The contract is in duplicate, held by Party A and Party B respectively. The two copies are equally authentic. The contract comes into effect upon signatures or seals of both parties.

  甲方:******(北京)有限公司 乙方(签字):

  Party A: ***** Technical Consulting Party B (Signature):

  (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


  Authorized Representative:

  签订日期Date: 签订日期Date:




  Employment Contract

  甲 方:******有限公司

  Party A:乙 方Party B:



  Party A:地址:


  乙方Party B:



  护照号码Passport No.:_____________________

  在京居住地址Address (Beijing):

  联系方式Contact:_________________________ _____________

  其他紧急联络人Contact person in case of emergency:


  Party A and Party B agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter, in line with the principles of legality, justice, equality, voluntariness and mutual agreement.

  一、 雇佣期限

  Ⅰ Employment term


  The employment term is ________year(s), lasting from _______________ to ___________. The probation period is __________month(s), lasting from ___________ to ______________.

  二、 雇佣内容及工作时间

  Ⅱ Content and working hours

  2.1 甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方完成以下内容的工作任务:

  Party A gives Party B the following work assignments according to its operating requirements:

  工作内容Job responsibilities:

  工作地点Place: 北京 Beijing

  2.2 工作时间:乙方每日工作时间不超过8小时,平均每周工作不超过40小时,每周休息日为周六、日。甲方安排乙方延长工作时间,应安排乙方同等时间补休或依法支付加班酬劳。

  Party B works no more than 8 hours per day, no more than 40 hours per week, and Saturday andSunday are set as the official weekly rest days. Party A may extend Party’s B’s working hours on the basis of mutual agreement, and party B shall get corresponding deferred holidays or paid for the extended work hours in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  三、 报酬及其他福利

  Ⅲ Remuneration and other welfare benefits

  3.1 乙方的'报酬为税前__________ 元/月 ,大写:


  Party B’s salary is RMB _per month in the probationary period and RMB after the probationary period.


  After the probation, Party A shall provide Party B with a monthly housing allowance of RMB5,000.00. Party A shall provide the invoice of rent payment for reimbursement. The monthly date for reimbursement is on the 8th day of each month. If the 8th day of the month falls in the weekend or holiday, the payment shall be brought forward to the nearest weekday. Party A shall inform Party B and explain the detailed reason within 5 work days in case Party A fails to pay the salary due to special reasons.

  3.2 甲方应于每月8号以货币或转帐形式足额支付乙方上述报酬。如遇节假日或休息日,应提前到最近的工作日支付,如因特殊原因延期支付报酬的,甲方应在五个工作日内向乙方说明原因。

  Party A shall pay salary to Party B before the 8th day of every month in the form of cash or bank-transfer. If the 8th day of the month falls in the weekend or holiday, the payment shall be brought forward to the nearest weekday. Party A shall inform Party B and explain the detailed reason within 5 work days in case Party A fails to pay the salary due to special reasons.

  3.3 甲方可根据生产经营的状况或乙方任务量和工作表现,适时调整乙方的报酬。

  Party A can adjust Party B’s salary according to its operating conditions, Party B’s workload and performance.

  3.4 当乙方的工作任务发生变化时,甲方可按规定调整其相应的报酬。乙方接受新的工作任务后,即视作接受甲方按照该工作任务重新确定的报酬。

  Party B’s labor remuneration will be adjusted in case Party A adjusts Party B’s job responsibilities. Accepting thenew position is regarded as accepting the adjusted salary.

  3.5 乙方应遵守国家及地方的税法制度,自行缴纳其个人收入的个人所得税,甲方无义务为其代缴。

  Party B shall pay personal income tax voluntarily according to the state’s tax law. Party A doesn’t shoulder the responsibility to withhold and remit taxes for Party B.

  3.6 乙方在合同期内享受中国法律规定的节日,公休假日,另外公司每年为其提供5天的带薪休假。

  Party B is entitled with all legal holidays in accordance with the state’s regulations, In addition, Party B enjoys a paid leave of 5 days each year.

  四、 雇佣合同的解除和终止

  Ⅳ Contract Cancellation and Termination

  4.1 合同期满双方不再续签或者双方约定的合同终止条件出现时,雇佣合同即终止。

  This contract shall be terminated once it expires and both parties do not extend the contract.

  4.2 经合同双方当事人协商一致,本合同可以解除。

  The contract may be canceled based on both parties’ mutual negotiation.

  4.3 乙方应遵守中国的法律、法规及有关规定,乙方如违反上述规定,甲方有权即时解除合同;乙方因健康原因,经医生证明连续病休15工作日后仍不能继续工作,甲方有权提前终止合同。

  Party B should abide by China laws, decrees and related regulations and Party A’s working systems. During the duration, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract in case Party B violates China laws and decrees, and terminate the contract before expiration in case Party B cannotresume his or her work for health reasons after the medical certification of continuous sick rest for 15 working days.

  4.4 乙方因归国或其他私人原因未正常出勤且超过十天且未向甲方做出书面说明的,本合同自动终止。 The contract will automatically terminate in case Party B is absent for over 10 days without written explanation due to homecoming or other private reasons.

  4.5 乙方被证明无法完成本合同项下的工作任务,甲方有权随时解除本合同。

  In case Party B is proved to be not competent for the work under the contract, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract at any time.

  4.6 乙方应严格遵守甲方的工作规定以及规章制度,尽职尽责,否则,甲方有权随时解除合同并追究因此而造成的经济损失,并有权对所造成的经济损失在乙方的报酬中作相应扣除。

  Party B should abide by Party A’s working systems, rules and regulations. Otherwise, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract and claim a corresponding compensation of any economic loss from Party B’s payment.

  4.7 乙方有权提前30 日以书面形式通知甲方解除本合同,在试用期内提前3日通知甲方即可解除。

  Party B should inform Party A in written form 30 days in advance for canceling the contract, and 3 days in advance during the probation period.


  Ⅴ Others

  5.1 其他未尽事宜,双方可参照甲方公司内部的相关规章制度执行。

  Other items not stipulated by the two parties can be implemented according to the internal rules and regulations of Party A.

  5.2 甲乙双方均应遵守本合同之约定,任何一方违约,非违约方均有权要求违约方承担相应的损失。

  The two parties should abide by the contract. In case one party tears up the contract, the other party has the right to require the defaulting party to undertake corresponding loss.

  5.3 甲乙双方在本合同的执行中如有争议,可协商解决。

  For disputes during the execution of the contract, the two parties can settle them through negotiations.

  5.4 本合同分为中英两种文本,每种文本具有相同的法律效力;如两种文本产生冲突,则中文文本为作准文本。

  The contract has two versions in Chinese and in English. The twocopies are equally authentic. In case any dispute happens, the Chinese version shall prevail.

  5.5 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,每份具有同等法律效力。本合同经甲、乙双方签字盖章后生效。

  The contract is in duplicate, held by Party A and Party B respectively. The twocopies are equally authentic. The contract comes into effect upon signatures or seals of both parties.


  Party A: ***** Technical Consulting Party B (Signature):

  (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


  Authorized Representative:

  签订日期Date: 签订日期Date:

英文合同 篇2

  THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE is made on this 16th day of December 20xx by and BETWEEN:-

  Mrs. Ghazala Waheed w/o Abdul Waheed, Adult, R/o House No.***-*, DHA, Lahore Cantt, (hereinafter to as the LESSOR of the ONE PART).


  Mr.* ***,R/o China, refereed to as the LESSEE of the OTHER PART.(Expression “LESSOR” and “LESSEE” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their respective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees).

  WHEREAS the LESSOR is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of House No,***-*,DHA, Lahore Cantt, consisting of 4 Bedrooms with bath, D/D,TV; Lounge, Kitchen, Store, Servant, Quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the DEMISED PREMISES).

  AND WHEREAS the LESSOR has agreed the lease and the LESSEE has agreed to take on lease the DEMISED PREMISES on the terms and condition as given below:-

  1. This agreement in only valid if LESSEE is renewed and extended for the lease period.

  2. The LESSOR lets LESSEE takes the DEMISSED PREMISES for a period of 12 months

  Commencing from 15th January 20xx. The Lease is renewable for a further period as may be mutually agreed in writing on expiry of the lease period

  3. The rent of the DEMISED PREMISES shall be USD3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) per month

  4. The LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of USD.19,800/-(US dollars Nineteen Thousand and eight Hundred Only) per month.

  5. It is hereby agreed between the parties that the LESSEE shall pay the aforesaid monthly rent USD. 3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) as the monthly rental advance by 20th of each calendar month for which if is due after completion of advance rent period ending on 15th July 20xx.

  6. That the LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the (来自:www.zaidian.cOm 在 点 网)sum of Rs.60,000/-(Rupees Sixty Thousand Only) from the LESSEE as FIXED EDPOSIT SECURITY which shall be refunded to the LESSEE on giving back the vacant possession of the DEMISED PREMISES after deduction of damages/shortages outstanding bills for Electricity, Water, Gas and Telephone charges etc, against the DEMISED PREMISES.


  1. To pay to the LESSOR the rent hereby reserved in the manner before mentioned.

  2. That the LESSEE shall not at any time during the terms, without the consent in writing of the LESSOR, pull down, damages or make any structure alterations to the DEMISED PREMESES provided always, the LESSEE shall have go write install any fixtures and fittings excluding air-conditioners in the DEMISED PREMESES, to detach and repossess the same s

  ubject to the restoration of the DEMISED PREMESES to their original state at his cost (reasonable wear and tear excepted) on the expiry of this lease or any renewal hereof.

  3. To use the DEMISES PREMISES for residential purpose and would not be used for a commercial purpose the DEMISES PREMISE would not be used occupied by Mr. **** And family.

  4. Not to sublet the whole or any part of the premises.

  5. To pay regularly the bills for Electricity, Gas, Water and Telephone charges in respect of the DEMISED PREMISES. A copy of all the paid utility bill be forwarded to the LESSOR every three month regularly. In case of disconnection of any facility due to non-payment, LESSEE will be responsible to get them restored and pay the same. All dues must be cleared before the expiry of the LEASE.

  6. The LESSEE shall keep and maintain the said premises in good and tenantable conditions during the tenure of the lease.


  1. To pay all existing and future rate, taxes assessments and other charges of a public nature whether impose by the Municipality, Government or any other authority in respect of DEMISED PREMISES.

  2. Not to erect or set up a building or structure on the DEMISES PREMISES nor to add to any existing building or structure during the period of lease or any renewal without the written consent of the LESSEE.


  1. The LESSEE and the LESSOR shall have the right and option to terminate this Lease at any time only after the expiry of the lease period i.e., 24 months, provided they give ONE (1) month notice in advance to either of the parties.

  2. The meter reading of various utilities are as given below:-


  a) ELECRICITY ———————— ————————

  b) GAS ———————— ————————

  c) TELEPHONE ———————— ————————

  d) WATER ———————— ————————

  3. That the LESSEE has also agreed with the LESSOR for a mandatory increase in rent by 10% per annum, the rent would be enhanced to Rs.36,300/-( Rupees Thirty Six Thousand and Three

  Hundred Only), should the LESSOR and I ESSEE mutually to renew the Lease. It can be negotiated between the parties.

  WHEREOF THE PARTIES hereto have executed these presents on the and day above written.


  Mrs. Ghazala waheed

  NIC NO._______________________



  Chinese passport no.___________________

英文合同 篇3

  this agreement of lease is made on this 16th day of december XX by and between:-

  mrs. ghazala waheed w/o abdul waheed, adult, r/o house no.***-*, dha, lahore cantt, (hereinafter to as the lessor of the one part).


  mr.* ***,r/o china, refereed to as the lessee of the other part.(expression “lessor”

  and “lessee” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their respective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees).

  whereas the lessor is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of house no,***-*,dha,

  lahore cantt, consisting of 4 bedrooms with bath, d/d,tv; lounge, kitchen, store, servant, quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the demised premises).

  and whereas the lessor has agreed the lease and the lessee has agreed to take on lease the demised premises on the terms and condition as given below:-

  1. this agreement in only valid if lessee is renewed and extended for the lease period.

  2. the lessor lets lessee takes the demissed premises for a period of 12 months

  commencing from 15th january XX. the lease is renewable for a further period as may be mutually agreed in writing on expiry of the lease period

  3. the rent of the demised premises shall be usd3,300/-(us dollars three thousand and three hundred only) per month

  4. the lessor hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of usd.19,800/-(us dollars nineteen thousand and eight hundred only) per month.

  5. it is hereby agreed between the parties that the lessee shall pay the aforesaid monthly rent

  usd. 3,300/-(us dollars three thousand and three hundred only) as the monthly rental advance by 20th of each calendar month for which if is due after completion of advance rent period ending on 15th july XX.

  6. that the lessor hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of rs.60,000/-(rupees sixty thousand only) from the lessee as fixed edposit security which shall be refunded to the lessee on giving back the vacant possession of the demised premises after deduction of damages/shortages outstanding bills for electricity, water, gas and telephone charges etc, against the demised premises.

  the lessee herby convenants with lessor as following:

  1. to pay to the lessor the rent hereby reserved in the manner before mentioned.

  2. that the lessee shall not at any time during the terms, without the consent in writing of the lessor, pull down, damages or make any structure alterations to the demised premeses provided always, the lessee shall have go write install any fixtures and fittings excluding air-conditioners in the demised premeses, to detach and repossess the same subject to the restoration of the demised premeses to their original state at his cost (reasonable wear and tear excepted) on the expiry of this lease or any renewal hereof.

  3. to use the demises premises for residen

  tial purpose and would not be used for a commercial purpose the demises premise would not be used occupied by mr. ****

  and family.

  4. not to sublet the whole or any part of the premises.

  5. to pay regularly the bills for electricity, gas, water and telephone charges in respect of the demised premises. a copy of all the paid utility bill be forwarded to the lessor every three month regularly. in case of disconnection of any facility due to non-payment, lessee will be responsible to get them restored and pay the same. all dues must be cleared before the expiry of the lease.

  6. the lessee shall keep and maintain the said premises in good and tenantable conditions during the tenure of the lease.

  the lessor hereby convenants with the lessee as following:-

  1. to pay all existing and future rate, taxes assessments and other charges of a public nature whether impose by the municipality, government or any other authority in respect of demised premises.

  2. not to erect or set up a building or structure on the demises premises nor to add to any existing building or structure during the period of lease or any renewal without the written consent of the lessee.

  it is hereby declear and muturally agreed between the lessor and lessee ans follwing:=

  1. the lessee and the lessor shall have the right and option to terminate this lease at any time only after the expiry of the lease period i.e., 24 months, provided they give one (1) month notice in advance to either of the parties.

  2. the meter reading of various utilities are as given below:-

  utility meter number today’s reading

  a) elecricity ———————— ————————

  b) gas ———————— ————————

  c) telephone ———————— ————————

英文合同 篇4

  销 售 合 同


  编号:Contract No:日期: Date:

  签约地点:Signed at:



  邮政编码:Postal Code:

  电话:Tel: 传真:Fax:



  邮政编码:Postal Code:

  电话:Tel: 传真:Fax:


  The Seller hereby confirms selling the following goods on terms and conditions


  Tolerance: With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the

  sellers option.

  (4) 原产地

  Country of Origin:

  (5) 付款方式:30%预付,70%发货前一周付清

  Payment terms: 30% deposit, 70% payment within one week before delivery.

  (6) 交货时间:收到预付款后15天内完成装运。

  Time of shipment: Within15 days after deposit received.

  (7) 贸易方式:FOBShanghai

  Terms of Shipment: FOBShanghai

  (8) 包装:胶合板木盘外封铁皮

  Packing: Plywood drum with steel sheet cover.

  (9) 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。

  Insurance: To be effected by seller for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.

  (10) 装运口岸:中国上海港

  Port of Loading: Shanghai Port, China

  (11) 转运:允许

  Transshipment: Allowed

  (12) 分批装运:允许分批装运

  Partial Shipment: Allowed

  (13) 目的口岸:

  Port of Destination:

  (14) 唛头:Shipping Marks:

  (15) 单据:Documents:

  (16) 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim:

  (17) 逾期发运:如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运,买方承担责任。造成自签订合同之日起超过45天不能发运的,卖方将每日按货物金额的3%收取保管费;如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运超过6个月,卖方有权自行处置定金和货物。如果是卖方原因造成的逾期发运,卖方需提前告知买方并得到买方的确认并承担其他相关费用。

  LAST SHIPMENT: if the late delivery is caused by the buyer, the buyer shall bear the

  responsibility. If the delay has being made more than 45 days from the signing of the Sales Contract hereof, the buyer shall pay 3% of total amount each day, and if the delay is more than 6 months, the Seller has the right to dispose the down payment and the goods. If the late delivery is caused by the Seller, the Seller shall inform the Buyer in advance and get confirmation from the Buyer, and the related expense shall be born by the Seller.

  (18) 质量/数量异议:对于质量方面的异议,买方必须在货物抵达目的港后30天之类提出:对于数量方面的异议,买方必须在货物抵达目的港后15天之内提出。对由于保险公司、运输公司、其他运输机构或邮局的原因所造成的货物差异,卖方不负任何责任。 QUALITY/QUANTITY DISCREPANCY: In case of quality discrepancy, claim shall be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination; while for quantity discrepancy, claim shall be filed by the buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable, for any discrepancy of goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other transportation organization or Post Office are liable.

  (19) 不可抗力:卖方对由于下列原因而导致不能或暂时不能履行全部或部分合同义务的,不负责任:水灾、火灾、地震、干旱、战争或其他任何在签约时卖方不能预料、无法控制且不能避免和克服的事件。但卖方因尽快地将所发生的事件通知对方,并应在事件发生后15天内将有关机构出具的不可抗力事件的证明寄交对方。如果不可抗力事件之影响超过120天,双方应协商合同继续履行或终止履行的.事宜。

  FORCE MAJEURE: Seller shall not be responsible for failure or delay in performance of entire or portion of these Sale Contract obligations in consequence of Force Majeure incidents: flood, fire, earthquake, drought, war, or any other matters couldn’t be foreseen or controlled or couldn’t be avoided. But Seller shall inform the incidents to Buyer immediately, and shall delivery the certificate of Force Majeure incidents issued by related organization within 15 days after the incidents happened. If the incidents influence more than 120 days, both parties shall negotiate to decide whether to execute or terminate the Sales Contract.

  (20) 仲裁:因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决,如协商仍不能解决争议,则应将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京),依据其仲裁规则仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。仲裁费应由败诉一方承担,但仲裁委员会另有裁定的除外。在仲裁期间,除仲裁部分之外的其他合同条款应继续执行。

  ARBITRATION: All disputes across from the execution of, or in connection with this Sales Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation, in case no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted to China International Economic and

  Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure. The result of arbitration shall be born by the losing party except for the condition the Commission has other judgment. During the arbitration period, clauses beside of the arbitrated parts shall be executed.

  (21) 本合同为中英文对应,一式两份,买卖双方各执一份;合同自卖方签字盖章、买方签字后生效(传真件以及扫描具有正版相等法律效应)。

  The Sales Contract is concluded in Chinese and English with same effectiveness, and will come into effect on stamp of Seller and signing by Buyer. The Sales Contract is in dual original and each party shall have one original copy of this Sales Contract. (Any scanned and faxed copy shall have the same legal effect as the original one.)

  (22) 备注:Remark:

  买方确认签署: 卖方确认签署:

  For and on behalf of Buyer:For and on behalf of Seller:

英文合同 篇5


  1.前言 Preamble

  一份标准英文合同通常可以分为前言(Preamble)、正文(Operative part)、附录(Schedule)及证明部分即结束词(Attestation)四大部分组成。 前言(Preamble)由“Parties”及“Recitals”两部分组成。


  I. 以下为“Parties”的常用表达方式:

  1. This Agreement is entered into by and between ____ and ____. 本协议由以下双方____和___ 签署。

  2. This Agreement is entered into by and between ____ (hereinafter referred to as____) and ____ (hereinafter referred to as "_____"), whereby it is agreed as follows:



  This Agreement is entered into through friendly negotiations between _____ Co.

  (hereinafter referred to as the “Party A”) and _____ Co. (hereinafter referred to as the “Party B”) based on equal

  ity and mutual benefit to develop business on the terms and conditions set forth below:


  This Agreement is entered into between _____ (hereinafter referred to as "Company"), and ______, (hereinafter referred to as "Employee") pursuant to paragraph VIII(2) of the Employee Handbook, whereby it is agreed as follows:


  II. 以下为标准的“Parties”条款:

  3. This Agreement is made and entered into this _____th day of _____ in the year of ____ by and between ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at _____ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), and ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of _____, with its principal place of business at _____ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), whereby it is agreed as follows:


  III. “Recitals”由数个以"Whereas"字样开头的句子所组合而成(这些句子俗称为“Whereas Clauses”),表示当事人乃是在基于对这些事实(例如订约的目的、背景来由等)的`共同认识,订立此合约。

  4. This Agreement is made and entered into this _____ day of _____ in the year of ____ by and between _______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at ______ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), and ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at ______ (hereinafter referred

  to as “_____”)


  WHEREAS, NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:





  IV. 在很多美国常用合同中,在很多情况下直接用RECITALS引导数个陈述语句或“Whereas Clauses”。下面为一个资产购买协议实例:

  This ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of May 19, 1997 by and among AAA, a Delaware corporation ("AAA"), BBB, a Delaware corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of AAA ("Buyer"), CCC ("Summit"), and DDD, an Oregon corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of Summit ("Seller").


  A. The Boards of Directors of each of Summit, Seller, AAA and Buyer believe it is in the best interests of each company and their respective security holders that Buyer acquire certain listed assets and assume certain listed liabilities of Seller (the "Acquisition").

  B. On the date hereof, Buyer has executed a $2,000,000 irrevocable purchase order to purchase 400 time-based licenses for Summit's Visual HDL interfaces for Visual Test bench ("VTB") software on AAA's standard form of purchase order, which is payable within five (5) business days after the date hereof.

  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants, promises and representations set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

  2.定义 Definition



  I. 常见的定义语句常用mean, refer to, be construed as, include等来表达。如:

  1. "Territory" means the United States of America.“销售地区”是指美利坚合众国。

  2. “Commencement date” shall mean the date of signing this agreement by the last signing party hereto.


  3. The “agreement” herein referred to shall mean this agreement of agency by entrustment.


  4. “Code” shall refer to the current and applicable Internal Revenue Code.


  5. Reference to any statutory provision shall be construed as a reference to the same as it may have been, or may from time be, amended, modified or re-enacted.


  6. "Expenses" include costs, charges and expenses of every description. “费用”包括各种形式的金钱支出。

  II. 还有一类特殊的定义语句,即对于「单、复数」及「阴、阳性」名词的范围定义。通常都是用include来表达:

  1. "Stock Certificate" includes "stock certificate" and "stock certificates".


  2. "He" includes "he" and "she".


  3. Words using the singular or plural number also include the plural or singular number.


  III. 定义语句中,有时需限定范围。而通常用得最多的是:“for the purpose of ”及“in relation to”某概念的定义条款,如果适用范围仅限于合同的“特定部份”,可以用“for the purpose of ”来为定义条款起头。而如果定义条款是针对合同的“特定概念”,就用“in relation to”来界定。如下例:

  1. For the purpose of this Agreement, "Products" means all types of the machineries manufactured by Manufacturer as are specified in Attachment

  A hereto.


  2. "Address" means-

  (a) 就自然人而言in relation to an individual, his usual residential or business address; and

  (b) in relation to a corporation, its registered or principal office in the Republic of China.


  IV. 在定义条款中,在定义语句前有时会加上一些陈述语句来引导,如:

英文合同 篇6

  一、出租人: (“甲方”)

  landlord: (part a )

  二、承租人: (“乙方”)

  tenant: (part b )



  3.1 甲方同意将其所有的位于_________________________________________的房屋在良好及可租赁的状态下租给乙方为居住使用。

  party a hereby agrees to lease its property located at

  ___________________________________in good and tenantable condition to party b for residential use.

  3.2 乙方应将出租房屋用作住宅用房。

  the leased property shall be used by part b for residential purpose.


  term of tenancy:

  4.1 租赁期为_____年,自 年 月____日起至_______年____月____日止。

  the tenancy shall be for a term of years,commencing on ______________and expiring on __________________.

  4.2 租赁期满,如乙方不再根据此条款续约,甲方有权收回全部出租房屋,乙方应如


  on expiry of the tenancy, if party b has not exercised its option to renew this agreement in accordance with this clause,party a has the right to repossess the entire leased property,and party b shall deliver the leased property to the party a provided always that party b shall have the option to renew this agreement upon giving prior written novice to party a of its intention to do so that least three(3) months before the expiration of this agreement.



  5.1 双方谈定的租金为每月____________________人民币,租金包括除水、电、液化气、电话费以外的一切管理费。

  the rent for the leased property as agreed to by both parties is rmb___________yuan per month, which rent includes all management fee.

  5.2 支付甲方壹个月的租金,应在每个月的第十天以前支付给甲方。

  party b pay the rental fee before the tenth day of every calendar one month.

  5.3 所有保证金、租金等费用均以人民币通过银行汇入甲方所提供的以下银行账户及户名:


  all payments of security deposit,rent fee,etc heteunder shall be made be made by bank transfer rmb to party a's following account.

  account no:________________________,user name:_____________bank:___ ________ __


  security deposit:

  6.1 为确保出租房屋及其设施之安全并完好及租赁期内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意于签订合同10天内支付给甲方贰个月租金的租赁押金计__________________人民币作为乙方确保合同履行之保证金。乙方搬入后十天内付壹个与租金计______________人民币。

  to ensure the protection and good condition of the leased property and the related facilities as well as the prompt payment and settlement of all related charges during the term of tenancy,party b agrees to pay to party a with 10 days when the execution of this agreement a security for party b’s obligations hereunder. when party b move in,party b pay one month’s rental in the amount of___________with 10days.

  6.2 除合同另有约定之外,甲方应于租赁期满或此合同提前终止之期且乙方透空、点清并付清所有应付费用后,当天将保证金全额无息退还乙方,如保证金以人民币支付,届时也应以人民币形式退还。

  unless otherwise provided in this agreement, party a shall return to party b the entire security deposit without interest thereon upon expiration or soonder detemination of this agreement provide that party b has vzcated the leased property and settled all related charges. if this security deposit was paid in rmb,it shall be returned to party b in the form of rmb.


  other charges:


  during the term of tenancy,party b is responsible for paying the charges in relation to water, electricity, gas,telephone charges on the basis of the amount of such utilities party b uses. such charges shall be paid when due according to the invoice therefore received by party b from the management company or relevant authority every month.


  party a’s obligations:

  8.1 甲方须按时将出租房屋及其家私家具用品与其设施以良好状态交付乙方使用。

  party a shall deliver on schedule to party bvacant possession of the leased property including the furniture,furnishing and appliances and the related facilities for party b’s use(furniture,furnishing and appliances to be detailed in appendisl.)

  8.2 租赁期内甲方不得收回出租房屋(除非本合同另有规定),甲方保证乙方可不受干扰的享用该物业。

  party a shall not repossess the leased property during the term of party a disturb of interfere with party b’s quiet enjoyment of the leased property.

  8.3 在乙方遵守本合同的条款及支付租金的前提下,乙方有权于租赁期内拒绝甲方或其他人骚扰而安静享用出租房屋。

  proviede that party b pays the rent and performs and observes party b’s terms and conditions in accordavce with this agreement, party b shall be entitled to hold and enjoy the leased property throughout the term of this tenancy without any interruption by party a or any other person.

  8.4 租赁期内出租房屋的结构,进出物业的排水、上下管道、电路等处于良好使用状态。

  party a agrees to repair and maintain the structure,drains, pipes and cables, etc.leading in to or from the leased property at all times in good and tenable repair during the term of this tenancy.


  party b’s obligations:

  9.1 乙方应按合同的规定,按时支付租金,保证金及其他各项应付费用。

  party b shall promptly pay all rent ,security deposit and other charges payable by it in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

  9.2 乙方应爱护使用出租房屋,如因乙方的过失或过错致使房屋设施及屋内用具和饰品受到损坏(正常损耗除外),乙方应负赔偿责任。

  paryt b shall treat the leased property with care. if as a result of party b’s negligence or misconduct, the leased property and the related facilities and accessorties suffer any damage(fair wear and tear excepted ),party b shall be responsible for compensating party a for such damages.

  9.3 乙方应按本合同的约定合法使用出租房屋,不得擅自改变使用性质,不应存放中华人民共和国法律下所禁止的危险物品,如因此发生损害,乙方应承担全部责任。

  party b shall use the leased property legally as agreed in this agreement and may not change such use on its own…party b shall not store any dangerous items which are prohibited by the laws in the people’s republic of china in the leased property and shall be fully responsible for any admages of losses as result thereof.

  9.4 未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得将出租房屋转租或租给其他的第三者。

  without party a’s prior written consent ,party b may not assign the tenancy or sublet the leased property to a third party.


  breach of agreement :

  10.1 甲、乙任何一方如未按本合同的条款履行,构成违约,应承担相应的违约责任。双方同意违约方应赔偿守约方之直接损失人民币____________元。

  if either party a or party b fails to perform its obligations hereunder ,it shall constitute a breach of this agreement and the defaulting party shall be liable for the liabilities resulting from such breach. the parties agree that the party in breach shall pay the other party compensation ____________________for the direct loss and damage suffered by the other party as result of such breach .

  10.2 乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权终止本合同,收回出租房屋,并且保证金不予返还;

  party a shall have the right to terminage this agreement ,repossess the leased property and forfeit the security deposit if party b commits one of the following:


  sublets the leased property without party a’s written consent;


  alters the structure of the leased property or uses the leased property other than for the purpose started herein without party a’s consent;


  fails to pay rent without any reason for more than thirty (30)days after the due date except where there is a dispute in respect of this agreement.


  applicable law:


  the formation of this agreement ,its validity,interpretation,executiong and settlement of any disputes arising hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the people’s republic of china.


  dispute resolution:


  in the case of disputes arising over this agreement of any matters related hereto ,the parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve such disputes.if such negotiation fails, the parties shall submit the dispute to arbitration by the china international economic and trade arbitration commission in accordance with its arbitration rules and the arbitration law of the people’s republic of china.the decision of the arbitration body is final and shall be binding on the parties hereto.



  13.1 本合同如有未尽事宜,由甲、乙双方洽谈解决。

  if this agreement it unclear with respect to certain matters, the two parties shall discuss to resolve such ambiguities.

  13.2 本合同由中、英文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。

  this agreement is written both in the chinese and english languages.both versions shall be equally authentic.

  13.3 本合同经双方签字后立即生效,未经双方同意,不得任意终止或修改,本合同另有约定除外,本合同一式二份,甲、乙双方各执一份。

  this agreement shall become effective upon the signing thereof by the parties hereto an registration with the relevant authorities.save and except as provided in this agreement ,this agreement may not bye terminated or amended without the consent of both parties.there are two(2) originals of this agreement ,one for party a,one for party b.

  本合同于__________年 月_____日签订。

  this agreement was signed in __________________on ________________

  甲方: 乙方:

  partya: partyb:

  盖章: 盖章:

  seal: seal:

  地址: 地址:

  address: address:

  电话: 电话:

  telephone number: telephone number:

  传真: 传真:

  fax number: fax number:










