

时间:2023-01-17 12:40:22 讲话稿 我要投稿





  We are in a constant state of trying to get something better and are often trying to be someone different,even when the current us is pretty decent. If you are not happy being you,then who else can you be? In each person's life,will meet a lot of individual who will impacted people teach you a lot of things. Some may give you a lot of encouragement As for me there are also some people inspired the most great impact was my dear father.

  When I was a little girl,I often want to give up study instead play my father will told me "Perseverance is the golden key to being successful in anything you 's a matter of hanging on long afte others have quit" I was a teenager I like to make track for a star,and like images like,including dress my Dad always tell me that"Be what you are, not what you aren't,because when you are what you aren't,then you aren't what you are" of the things are inspired me so much.

  Sometimes,I think my father was a philosopher,sometimes think he is a activists,always set an example for his child ,do what a father should is always working hard to feed large family, he is always considerate to forgive his naughty children,moreover he filial piety to the old person,to repay parents' brought up. In a word, he always so good.

  Of course he's not a iron man,he also has a fragile, but he never lose self,and 's more, when I meet with some troubles and want to give up, he always encourage me.I still remember what he told me "perseverance overcomes almost you fall, perseverance tells you get you are defeated,perseverance tells you to try again you feel like quitting, perseverance doesn't let you".

  Nowadays, I am an adults,and as a college student,I always unavoidably depending on my father, I often call to my father to ask some questions, meanwhile I also want to know how are they recently I start my college life followed with my fathers use of my dear father,I know how important to be myself.I have to be true to myself, because the only important thing in life is what you do with the time on spend here in I'll always be optimistic and happy in the following ,as my father told me,just be perseverance to do everything. So that I can do anything I wish to create my future!

  Father is like a lighthouse,guide me in the direction of the future.I hope I could owning a wonderful future,and my father will company with me forever!thanks!


  I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat of my heart,the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind. So I dance daily.

  The seldom-used dining room of my house is now an often-used ballroom — anopen space with a hardwood floor, stereo, and a disco ball. The CD-changer hassix discs at the ready: waltz, swing, country, rock-and-roll, salsa, andtango.

  Each morning when I walk through the house on the way to make coffee, Iturn on the music, hit the "shuffle" button, and it's Dance Time! I dance aloneto whatever is playing. It's a form of existential aerobics, a movingmeditation.

  Tango is a recent enthusiasm. It's a complex and difficult dance, so I'm upto three lessons a week, three nights out dancing, and I'm off to Buenos Airesfor three months of immersion in tango culture.

  The first time I went tango dancing I was too intimidated to get out on thefloor. I remembered another time I had stayed on the sidelines, when the dancingbegan after a village wedding on the Greek island of Crete. The fancy footworkconfused me. "Don't make a fool of yourself," I thought. "Just watch."

  Reading my mind, an older woman dropped out of the dance, sat down besideme, and said, "If you join the dancing, you will feel foolish. If you do not,you will also feel foolish. So, why not dance?"

  And, she said she had a secret for me. She whispered, "If you do not dance,we will know you are a fool. But if you dance, we will think well of you fortrying."

  Recalling her wise words, I took up the challenge of tango.

  A friend asked me if my tango-mania wasn't a little ambitious. "Tango? Atyour age? You must be out of your mind!"

  On the contrary: It's a deeply pondered decision. My passion for tangodisguises a fearfulness. I fear the shrinking of life that goes with aging. Ifear the boredom that comes with not learning and not taking chances. I fear thedying that goes on inside you when you leave the game of life to wait in thefinal checkout line.

  I seek the sharp, scary pleasure that comes from beginning something new —that calls on all my resources and challenges my mind, my body, and my spirit,all at once.

  My goal now is to dance all the dances as long as I can, and then to sitdown contented after the last elegant tango some sweet night and pass on becausethere wasn't another dance left in me.

  So, when people say, "Tango? At your age? Have lost your mind?" I answer,"No, and I don't intend to."

  Robert Fulghum has written seven bestsellers including "All I Really Needto Know I Learned in Kindergarten." A native of Waco, Texas, he was a Unitarianminister for 22 years and taught painting and philosophy. Fulghum lives inSeattle and Crete.

  Independently produced for NPR by Jay Allison and Dan Gediman with JohnGregory and Viki Merrick. Photo by Miro Svolik.















  when i was nine years old i went off to summer camp for the first time. and my mother packed me a suitcase full of books, which to me seemed like a perfectly natural thing to do. because in my family, reading was the primary group activity. and this might sound antisocial to you, but for us it was really just a different way of being social. you have the animal warmth of your family sitting right next to you, but you are also free to go roaming around the adventureland inside your own mind. and i had this idea that camp was going to be just like this, but better. (laughter) i had a vision of 10 girls sitting in a cabin cozily reading books in their matching nightgowns.


  camp was more like a keg party without any alcohol. and on the very first day our counselor gathered us all together and she taught us a cheer that she said we would be doing every day for the rest of the summer to instill camp spirit. and it went like this: “r-o-w-d-i-e, that's the way we spell rowdie. rowdie, rowdie, let's get rowdie.“ yeah. so i couldn't figure out for the life of me why we were supposed to be so rowdy, or why we had to spell this word incorrectly. (laughter) but i recited a cheer. i recited a cheer along with everybody else. i did my best. and i just waited for the time that i could go off and read my books.

  but the first time that i took my book out of my suitcase, the coolest girl in the bunk came up to me and she asked me, “why are you being so mellow?“ -- mellow, of course, being the exact opposite of r-o-w-d-i-e. and then the second time i tried it, the counselor came up to me with a concerned expression on her face and she repeated the point about camp spirit and said we should all work very hard to be outgoing.

  and so i put my books away, back in their suitcase, and i put them under my bed, and there they stayed for the rest of the summer. and i felt kind of guilty about this. i felt as if the books needed me somehow, and they were calling out to me and i was forsaking them. but i did forsake them and i didn't open that suitcase again until i was back home with my family at the end of the summer.

  now, i tell you this story about summer camp. i could have told you 50 others just like it -- all the times that i got the message that somehow my quiet and introverted style of being was not necessarily the right way to go, that i should be trying to pass as more of an extrovert. and i always sensed deep down that this was wrong and that introverts were pretty excellent just as they were. but for years i denied this intuition, and so i became a wall street lawyer, of all things, instead of the writer that i had always longed to be -- partly because i needed to prove to myself that i could be bold and assertive too. and i was always going off to crowded bars when i really would have preferred to just have a nice dinner with friends. and i made these self-negating choices so reflexively, that i wasn't even aware that i was making them.

  now this is what many introverts do, and it's our loss for sure, but it is also our colleagues' loss and our communities' loss. and at the risk of sounding grandiose, it is the world's loss. because when it comes to creativity and to leadership, we need introverts doing what they do best. a third to a half of the population are introverts -- a third to a half. so that's one out of every two or three people you know. so even if you're an extrovert yourself, i'm talking about your coworkers and your spouses and your children and the person sitting next to you right now -- all of them subject to this bias that is pretty deep and real in our society. we all internalize it from a very early age without even having a language for what we're doing.


  A Scene to Remember

  Gu Qiubei

  Shanghai International Studies University

  Advisor: Gong Longsheng

  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

  Today I would like to begin with a story.

  There was once a physical therapist(临床医学家) who traveled all the way from America to Africa to do a census(调查) about mountain gorillas(大猩猩). These gorillas are a main attraction to tourists from all over the world; this put them severely under threat of poaching(偷猎) and being put into the zoo. She went there out of curiosity, but what she saw strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures. She witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged we've ever been, where in the very depth of the African rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas cuddled(拥抱) their babies.

  Yes, that's a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called Gorillas in the Mist, based on a true story of Mrs. Dian Fossey, who spent most of bet lifetime in Rwanda to protect the eco-environment there until the very end of her life.

  To me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a timeless(永恒的) reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our eco-environment.

  Today, we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new problems. On the one hand, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st century, provides people with the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any place there is to go. It has become a lifestyle for some people, and has turned out to be the driving force in GDP growth. It has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of prosperity. But on the other hand, many problems can occur---natural scenes aren't natural anymore. Deforestation to heat lodges is devastating Nepal. Oil spills from tourist boats are polluting Antarctica. Tribal people are forsaking their native music and dress to listen to U2 on Walkman and wear Nike and Reeboks.

  All these appalling(令人震惊的) facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been eroding(侵蚀) our resources. Encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, which is why the United Nations has made 20xx the year of ecotourism, for the first time to bring to the world's attention the benefits of tourism, but also its capacity to destroy our eco-environment.

  Now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations an: receiving donations--big notes, small notes or even coins--from housewives, plumbers(水管工人), ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and invalids(残疾人), Some of them can not afford to send the money but they do. These are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological damage in their neighborhood. Why? Because they care, because they still want their Mother Nature back. Because they know it still belongs to them.

  This kind of feeling that I have, ladies and gentlemen, is when it feels like it, smells like it, and looks like it, it's all coming from a scene to remember, a scene to recall and to cherish.

  The other night, as l saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs. I found myself humming softly, not to the music, but to some- thing else, someplace else. a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where no one seem to have been except the deer.

  And all those unforgettable scenes strengthened the feeling that it's lime for us to do something, for our own and our coming generation.

  Once again, I have come to think of Mrs. Dian Fossey be- cause it's with her spirit, passion, courage and strong sense of our eco-environment that we are taking our next step into the world.

  And no matter who we are what we do and where we go, in our mind, there's always a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it. Thank you very much.


  I’m very glad to make a speech here! This time, I’d like to talk something about English.

  I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on the Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

  At grade 3, I started to play games and sing English songs with other children. Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful journey in the English world.

  I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit the Washington Monument. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is the motherland of the English language. If I can ride my bike in the Cambridge University, I will be very happy.  I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I’ll introduce China and Chinese culture to them, such as the Great Wall, the Tian’anmen Square and dumplings.

  I know that Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after persistent hard work, one day I can speak English very well.

  If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday, it will love me too.

  My future is not a dream. I am confident that it will come true.


  Everyone has their idol. So do I. My idol is neither a big star, nor a person with brilliant achievements. My idol is an ordinary person close to me. He’s my father, my beloved father.

  My father is 36 years old. He’s tall and keeps his shape well. He has a long face. On the long face, there is a pair of eyes with brimming vigor. Just because of this pair of eyes, he can tell the right from wrong. Between the two eyes, there is a straight nose. Under the nose, there is a mouth with slightly raised corners. With these well-shaped corners of mouth, he always looks like smiling even when he is angry. He is so kind.

  My father is an engineer. He also has a business of his own. In my mind, there is always a picture that he’s very busy. I know what he is doing is for us, for the happiness of our family. Influenced by him, I may take up the work in the similar field and will try my best to achieve some successes when I grow up.

  My father has some hobbies. For example, he likes playing basketball. He plays it very well. I hope that I can do it like him. But I am a little fat. I will do more exercises to lose some weight.

  My father is just an ordinary person, but he shows a lot of passion for life from the bottom of his heart. He sticks to his ideas and never gives up what he is doing. He does not want to be looked down upon by others. My father doesn’t have a good looking like a movie star. But I respect him for his insistence and commitment. He’s my idol forever.


  On March 14th, 20xx, professor Stephen William Hawking passed away. His contribution to inflationary cosmology has forever shifted our understanding of the universe. He wasn’t just a physicist for England, but for all mankind. His death marks the end of an era. He has passed the baton to a new generation of minds, to a new era. The exploration of nature waits for no man. So, are we ready to embrace the new era and new challenges?

  When I was a kid, professor Hawking was known to me as the author of A Brief History of Time. I bought a lot of science books back then, but they were really difficult to understand. Whenever I stumbled, I would turn to my physics teacher for help. We would go through pages and pages of materials together, whether it was middle school stuff or Feynman’s lecture from Caltech, sometimes hours on end. I felt like we were tearing off the mask of nature and staring at the face of god. It was his guidance that encouraged me to study physics today. We’re living in an era in which science is embedded in people’s lives. From teachers who pass on knowledge, to construction workers who build labs; from organizations that provide funding, to scientists who conduct research, we all contribute to science in our own unique ways. We the people say we’re ready.

  On October 5th, 20xx, China finally had its first Nobel Prize in natural science. Ms. Tu Youyou’s work and her receiving the most prestigious science award made us proud. We’re living in an era in which China is building some of the best research projects and institutions worldwide. Just a month ago, Professor Zhang Miman won the UNESCO for Women in Science Award, making her the fifth Chinese recipient of this honor. A week after that, The Economist referred to China as “a continent-sized rapidly growing economy with a culture of scientific inquiry”. Physicist and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Science, Dr. Zhang Jie stated, “China now has the most accurate, sufficient and largest amount of data; China has the highest, fastest and best ability of data analysis. The Chinese government will be strongly pushing for the sharing and utilization of data resources.” We as a country say we’re ready.

  Science is an immortal topic of mankind. We’ve come this far because we’ve learned to work together and let the ideas evolve. The dispute over the completeness of quantum mechanics, for example, was resolved in the 5th Solvay conference, attended by 29 physicists from 10 different countries who have won 15 Nobel Prizes combined. That was almost 100 years ago. Now we’re living in an era in which information is transmitted at the speed of light, in which “International cooperation” is not just a slogan anymore, especially to the scientific community. Chinese Academy of Science now has 47 partners overseas. The International Council for Science now includes 122 national members, 23 scientific associates and 31 scientific unions. The facilities of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, are available to over 600 universities and institutes around the globe. We, the world, are more than ready.

  We’re all made of particles that have existed since the beginning of the universe, I’d like to believe those particles traveled through countless eras to create us, so that we, the people, China, and the world, can stand on the shoulders of giants, march into the new era with our head held high, and make people like Professor Hawking proud.



  To me March 28th was a lucky day。 It was on that particular evening that I found myself at central stage, in the spotlight。 Winning the 21st Century·Ericsson Cup Seventh National English Speaking Competition is a memory that I shall treasure and one that will surely stay。

  More important than winning the Cup is the friendship that has been established and developed among the contestants, and the chance to communicate offstage in addition to competing onstage。 Also the competition helps boost public speaking in China, a skill hitherto undervalued。

  For me, though, the competition is a more personal experience。 Habitually shy, I had been reluctant to take part in any such activities。 Encouraged by my friends, however, I made a last-minute decision to give it a try。 In the course of preparation I somehow rediscovered myself, a truer me。

  I found that, after all, I like communicating with other people; that exchanging views can be so much fun—and so much rewarding, both emotionally and intellectually; that public speaking is most effective when you are least guarded; and that it is essential to success in every walk of life。

  At a more practical level, I realized knowing what you are going to say and how you are going to say it are equally important。 To take the original ideas out of your head and transplant them, so to speak, to that of others, you need to have an organized mind。 This ability improves with training。

  Yet there should not be any loss or addition or distortion in the process。 Those ideas that finally find their way into another head need to be recognizably yours。 Language is a means to transmit information, not a means to obstruct communication。 It should be lucid to be penetrating。

  In China, certain public speaking skills have been unduly emphasized。 Will it really help, we are compelled to ask, to bang at the podium or yell at the top of your lungs, if you have come with a poorly organized speech, a muddled mind, and unwillingness to truly share your views?

  Above all, the single most important thing I learnt was that as a public speaker, you need to pay attention, first and foremost, to the content of your speech。 And second, the structure of your speech: how one idea relates and progresses to another。

  Only after these come delivery and non-verbal communication: speed control, platform manner, and so on。 Pronunciation is important, yet of greater importance is this: Is your language competent enough to express your ideas exactly the way you intend them to be understood?

  I was informed afterwards that I was chosen to be the winner for my appropriately worded speech, excellent presence and quick-witted response。 In so remarking, the judges clearly showed their preference: they come to listen for meaningful ideas, not for loose judgments, nor easy laughters。

  Some contestants failed to address their questions head on。 Some were able to, but did not know where to stop—the dragging on betrayed their lack of confidence。 The root cause was that they did not listen attentively to the questions。 Or they were thinking of what they had prepared。


  I grew up with all kinds of dreams. Today I want to share two of them. They both have to do with playing musical instruments.

  When I was four, Mom bought me an electric piano. The black instrument standing in the middle of the house scared me. Day after day, I had to practice with my piano teacher. I never liked her, and all I could remember about her was her impatient words, “Wrong,” “Wrong” and “Wrong” again. And Mom was always on her side, saying I was not smart enough or I did not practice hard enough.

  I did this for a year, but I never developed any interest. I practiced everyday simply because I had to. Many times in my dreams, I saw the long faces of Mom and the teacher and heard their stern words. Really, the dream should be more appropriately called a nightmare. Then one day, I saw Mom talk with the piano teacher softly, and afterwards, that teacher never showed up again, and the piano disappeared, too. Mom was unhappy, but I was glad because now I could watch cartoon shows on TV after dinner, never again any piano.

  In a few years’ time, the dream of another instrument started, and it started during an urheen or erhu concert given by a distinguished musician. The melodious tune carried me away, and I felt I was lying on the grassland, indulging myself with mild sunshine and sweet flowers. As the music stopped, I realized this had been a beautiful dream, and I would like to continue this dream. That musician later on became my urheen teacher. For two years, he made me practice one hour every day, and the objective was to have me play urheen with him on the same stage. Whenever I made a mistake, he would also be quite harsh and made me practice even more. The pressure was indeed unbearable, but at the same time, the dream that started during that concert continued. When I was practicing, the dream seemed to carry me away, and moreover, my parents seemed to be in the dream too. They sat and listened quietly, as if they were also lying on the grassland, enjoying the sunshine and flowers. Anyhow, pressure was mingled with passion, and they worked together in pushing me forward. Each step of progress came from hard work but also brought immense pleasure.

  I admit that in the world of urheen, I was lucky in finding a balance between pressure and passion. In real life, however, there is often too much pressure, but too little passion, just like my piano nightmare. From primary school on, we have been forced to study day and night, to take tests every day, to copy vocabulary items five times and to recite every lesson in front of the teacher. All the dreams pupils have are the long faces of their teachers and parents, but not dreams with sunshine and flowers.

  I hope all teachers will realize that learning cannot go on without passion. I still remember my first urheen performance with my teacher. I was under much stress and didn’t sleep much the night before because I knew if I screwed up, it would also affect his reputation. When I walked onto the stage, I was so nervous that I almost held the urheen upside down. When the lights went on, to my great surprise, I saw my parents, fellow students and other teachers sitting on the first few rows, with big smile on their faces. It was just like the time when I was practicing. Passion suddenly overwhelmed me, and I played so well that night that even my urheen teacher didn’t know why. Of course I knew it, and I know my dream of playing urheen will continue.


  “Globalization is a conspiracy.” my South African friend, Nuhu, once told me. I was in a shock while he explained, “It’s a game that we’re forced to play by the rules set by the superior westerners.” And by learning about the drive of the original globalization, the primitive accumulation of capital, I’m convinced that enough is enough. The unequal, violent exchange should have been enough since a long time ago.

  However, what we do see today is that China has risen up by selling our products around the globe and learning advanced technology from others. And Africa is also believed to be the next China, another economic hub in the near future. So, although this might be an unfair game to play like what Nuhu claims, what he fails to see is that globalization is the very ladder for nations, especially those at the bottom of the global hierarchy to climb up. This win-win globalization is not enough. We can have more of it.

  But what is the backlash? We have been fearing that the tide of globalization, the outpouring of western values will undermine our own. So when the global stage is not hearing a lot from the Chinese culture and not to mention the African culture, I guess Nuhu is onto something. The globalization that amplifies some cultures while extinguishing the others should have been enough since the very beginning.

  And yet that’s not the whole picture. We see that our traditional works like Sun Tzu’s Art of War being worshiped by businessmen around the globe makes us start to relook at it and appreciate it again. And the Nobel Prize awarding for Moyan’s literature leads us to reflect on the development of our villages. So in the past, only we, Chinese people protect and pass on Chinese culture; but now, the international scholars, professors or even just ordinary people all over the world who get interested in our culture are preserving it. The uniqueness not well-protected by us transforms into the diversity universally-respected by global citizens. It is because of globalization that China and its culture are truly on a global stage.

  So globalization is actually an on-going process that keeps surprising us while startling those worries and fears. It’s a dynamic system that we should look for ways to utilize and enhance.

  But with the Brexit and the success of Trumpism, it seems major countries are all shifting away from globalization. But just because they are slowing down, making turns and adjusting themselves instead of peddling up, it doesn’t mean they are going for anti-globalization.

  We are at an unprecedented point where the world becomes ever so connected that we need to figure out the boundaries and balance between censorship and openness; sameness and differences; patriotism and global citizenship. It’s the best time that every nation should seek for a better role to play in the globalization where we should continue to make improvements on.

  It’s very understandable for nations to panic and make changes but we should never quit for it’s clear to us all that globalization is the only way that we seek for co-prosperity.

  Globalization is not a conspiracy planned already, but a beautifully unfinished song to be written by us all.

  Enough is SO NOT enough.


  Hi, I ’m Tony.

  My Chinese name is Yang Wenhao. I am a boy, a good boy, everybody knows that. Now I ’m five years old, I live in Chengdu and I study in Shuangnan Dadi Bi-language kindergarten. I ’m interest in English. I like green , I like blue, I like toys, I like balloon. Now haveyou learn me ? Now I will sing the song<…>

  Thank you.


ladies and gentleman,

  good evening!

  it's my great honor to present this speech name is peace and i am from class 1 of teaching chinese as a foreign language. my topic today is “living at present is my top concern”。

  we've often heard the famous words;“yesterday is history,tomorrow is mistery,but today is a gift,that's why it's called 'present' ”。indeed,rich or poor,every one is endowed with this most precious gift by treasuring it and living to our fullest potential at present,can we project our way forward to a bright and rewarding future.

  living at present requires a positive attitude to confront life;it's having the wisdom to spend our life's resources on the most productive affairs; it's directing our time and energy towards the most efficient way to achieve a promising future! by living at present, we'll have more time and energy to focus on our goals and make a diffference to whatever our current task may be. furthermore, , it's learning from the past instead of unnecessarily carrying heavy burdens from yesterday;it's planing our future to wisely prepare for it instead of being impatient or restless . if we're drawned, or let ourselves be overcome by yesterday's memories or strong feelings , how can we be observant enough to focus on things going on around us? if we are into dreaming or unnecessary concern for tomorrow,,how can we prepare well for the exciting upcoming future?

  that is why living at present is my top concern.

  living at present demands the courage to throw away useless encumbrances of the past , to accept what is unchangeable, to change what is chnageable, and to learn from the past which should be a lesson. ,instead of an obstacle.

  living at present also requires the wisdom to concentrate on the present ,preparing for the future and courageously displaying the patience to wait for tomorrow.

  let's lay off the mental burdens like worries from the past or concerns for the future 's live at present! just ensure that we are on our way to our destination.

  thank you!(bows)


  Unforgetable Experience

  Once I changed my attitude toward everything, I recognized my world, my future and myself. It happened when my friends and I had almost finished our last academic year and were invited by our lovely and friend like teachers to an amazing trip, to Issyk-Kul, the pearl of Kyrgyz land. About five of my best friends and I were going to the breathtaking places of our motherland where we decided to have an unforgettable days of our life.

  It was usual shiny day when we were about to leave our lyceum and get to the long road that was passing through the high and mighty mountains of “Kyrgyz jeri”. And when we were on the way to Tam chi, a fertile garden village of wooden chocolate-box cottages and shady, poplar-lined avenues, my teacher said with his funny voice, ?Listen everybody! Now we are on the way to Issyk-Kul, and I want you not to sleep on first mission of our summer vacation because you could not realize the beauty of nature and compose an essay on your final exam. And some of us really didn’t sleep after his funny advice, trying to get a real pleasure from staring at the grand mountains. But during the way the others of us were just listening the music, joking to each other and flying in their dreams. Finally, we reached the place where everyone changed their face and had a big smile, which showed that all of us were really pleased of seeing our magic lake. After some times later, we got into our nest! and then had first unforgettable dinner near the lake and under the thousands of blazing stars, which reminded us that we were in paradise. And it was indeed amazing? On the next day, after having a wonderful breakfast, we went to the beach for swimming and having a sunbath. When I saw the warm and silk like soft water that was attracting all of us, I rushed to it and noticed that not only I was running like a wild animal, but all my friends did the same as well. The water is excellent, said one of us. Yeah, it is, replied another one. But after a little time, there were again coming lots of voices like, WOW, Cool, and many other sounds that showed our both surprise and gladness. We were happy and at the same time tired. So we went back to have lunch and then to get asleep. Everyone was sleeping when one of my friends and I were playing cards and discussing about our aims in life and about friendship. I thought that having the best friends makes me feel self-assured in my decisions and be full for a real life by recognizing its wellnein community and nature. I thought that only with them I could get a hand and find the way in ! my own life path by discovering my abilities and finding out my great wishes in life. But after some minutes my friend and I were sleeping and continuing discussing, and this time in our dreams. 开题报告 http://www.lw54.com/html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/

  In evening, we were usually watching comedy films and films about the battles. But on another day we decided to have a party, so we went to a local disco named as Discovery. And the life would be more interesting that night if I didn’t quarrel with my best friend. We started arguing only for our own interests; he insisted on drinking some alcohol and dance, I insisted on not doing that because it would bring big problems and moreover it would be shame on ourselves. Unfortunately, all my friends were against me, because they thought that we could afford drinking alcohol considering that we were about to finish our school. That night I lost all my best friends just in a moment. All my thoughts about friendship were ruined; my heart burst into small pieces that will never be joined any more. And from that moment I started to build everything in my life from zero. I became more serious with my attitude toward people and became more careful myself as well.


  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

  Today I would like to begin with a story.

  There was once a physical therapist who traveled all the way from America to Africa to do a census about mountain gorillas. These gorillas are a main attraction to tourists from all over the world; this put them severely under threat of poaching and being put into the zoo. She went there out of curiosity, but what she saw strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures. She witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged we've ever been, where in the very depth of the African rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas cuddled their babies.

  Yes, that's a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called Gorillas in the Mist, based on a true story of Mrs. Dian Fossey, who spent most of bet lifetime in Rwanda to protect the eco-environment there until the very end of her life.

  To me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a timelessreminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our eco-environment.

  Today, we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new problems. On the one hand, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st century, provides people with the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any place there is to go. It has become a lifestyle for some people, and has turned out to be the driving force in GDP growth. It has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of prosperity. But on the other hand, many problems can occur---natural scenes aren't natural anymore. Deforestation to heat lodges is devastating Nepal. Oil spills from tourist boats are polluting Antarctica. Tribal people are forsaking their native music and dress to listen to U2 on Walkman and wear Nike and Reeboks.

  All these appalling facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been erodingour resources. Encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, which is why the United Nations has made 20xx the year of ecotourism, for the first time to bring to the world's attention the benefits of tourism, but also its capacity to destroy our eco-environment.

  Now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations an: receiving donations--big notes, small notes or even coins--from housewives, plumbers, ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and invalids(残疾人), Some of them can not afford to send the money but they do. These are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological damage in their neighborhood. Why? Because they care, because they still want their Mother Nature back. Because they know it still belongs to them.This kind of feeling that I have, ladies and gentlemen, is when it feels like it, smells like it, and looks like it, it's all coming from a scene to remember, a scene to recall and to cherish.The other night, as l saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs. I found myself humming softly, not to the music, but to some- thing else, someplace else. a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where no one seem to have been except the deer.And all those unforgettable scenes strengthened the feeling that it's lime for us to do something, for our own and our coming generation.Once again, I have come to think of Mrs. Dian Fossey be- cause it's with her spirit, passion, courage and strong sense of our eco-environment that we are taking our next step into the world.And no matter who we are what we do and where we go, in our mind, there's always a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it. Thank you very much.


  Long long ago, in a land far away, there lived a beautiful young girl.

  She was very sad. Because her mother had died and her father had married again. His new wife had two ugly daughters, Esmerelda and Griselda

  Soon after, her father also died and life immediately(立即) changed for the girl.

  "You will be our servant(仆人), "said her stepmother(继母). "You will do everything we say."

  "You must sleep in the kitchens." said the stepsisters.

  There she had to do hard work from morning until evening, get up before daybreak(黎明), carry water, make the fires, cook, and wash. Besides(除了) this, the sisters did everything imaginable(可以想象) to hurt her. They made fun of her. In the evening when she had worked herself weary(厌倦), there was no bed for her. Instead she had to sleep by the hearth in the ashes(灰). And because she always looked dusty(尘土飞扬) and dirty, they called her Cinderella.

  "There are cinders(煤渣) all over your clothes!" exclaimed(喊叫) the stepmother. " Cinderella. Thats your new name. Clear these things away, Cinderella."

  "Cinderella! Cinderella!" Esmerelda and Griselda said. "Oh, how clever you are, Mama!"

  One day, an invitation(邀请) arrived from the palace.

  "Girls, listen to this," said the stepmother. Cinderella was serving(准备) the breakfast. She listened as her stepmother read the invitation.

  "The King is having a ball," she said excitedly(兴奋). "He is looking for a wife for the Prince! Oh, my dears, this is wonderful. He will probably choose one of you, but it will be such a hard choice to make.

  "Am I invited too, stepmother?" asked Cinderella.

  "You! Certainly(当然) not!" exclaimed(惊呼) her stepmother. "The thought of such a thing. A scruffy servant(破旧的仆人) going to a ball, when only beautiful ladies are invited!"

  "Hah! Hah!" laughed the stepsisters. "Beautiful! That doesnt include you, Cinderella!"

  "You may help my two lovely girls to get ready," said her stepmother.

  "Oh," said Cinderella

  "We shall all have new dresses, girls, and we shall go shopping today. Clear away these things, Cinderella."

  Oh, I wish I could go to the ball, thought(认为) Cinderella.

  The day of the ball arrived and the whole day was spent preparing Esmerelda and Griselda. Cinderella did her best to make the sisters look pretty, but it was an impossible task.

  Finally, the coach arrived to collect the girls and their mother.

  Cinderella was very tired and she wandered back to the kitchens.

  "Oh, I did so want to go," she sighed(叹气) as she sat down by the fire.

  "Whats to stop you?" asked a voice(声音).

  "Whos that?" asked Cinderella, looking around.

  "Im here by the door." A strange woman walked up to Cinderella. "I heard you the other day, wishing you could go to the ball. Well, the ball is this evening, and youre going."

  "But how?" asked Cinderella. "What can you do?"

  "Anything I want to," said the woman. "Im your fairy(仙女) godmother, and Im here to send you to the ball.

  She sat down.

  "Come now," she said. "Dry those tears(擦干眼泪). We have work to do. I need a large pumpkin(南瓜), two mice(老鼠) and a frog. Can you find these?"

  "Yes," said Cinderella, mystified(迷惑) by the request(请求).

  "Off you go, then."

  When Cinderella found all the things, her fairy godmother took them all outside.

  "Now for the magic," she said. She waved(挥舞) her hands and the air began to twinkle(闪烁) and sparkle(闪光). The pumpkin began to grow and change, until standing there was a coach.

  The mice changed into two fine footmen(步兵), the frog into the driver, and the rats(老鼠) into two beautiful horses to pull the coach.

  Cinderella clapped(拍) her hands. "Its beautiful!" she cried.

  "In you get," said her fairy godmother.

  "But I cant go like this," said Cinderella.

  "Like what?" asked the fairy godmother. "You look lovely to me."

  Cinderella looked at herself. While the magic had been working on the pumpkin, it had also been working on her. Instead of her ragged(破烂) dress she wore a beautiful ball gown(晚礼服), with glass slippers(玻璃鞋) on her feet.

  "Oh, fairy godmother," said Cinderella. "Its lovely. How can I thank you?"

  "By going to the ball," said the fairy godmother. "Off you go, but remember, the magic stops working at midnight(午夜). Everything will change back then. Now go and enjoy yourself."

  "Good-bye, fairy godmother," called Cinderella, as the coach swept off.

  Cinderella arrived at the palace(皇宫) and walked into the ballroom. Everyone stopped and stared(看着).

  "Who is she?" people asked, including her stepmother and stepsisters.

  The Prince saw her, and had eyes for no one else for the rest of the evening. Cinderella danced only with the Prince(王子), and as the evening passed, he fell in love with her.

  A clock chiming(报时) reminded Cinderella of her fairy godmothers warning(警告). It must be eleven oclock, she thought(告知), but she asked the Prince. "What time is it?"

  "Almost midnight," he answered.

  "Oh, no!" cried Cinderella. "I must go!"

  "You cant. Not now," said the Prince.

  "I must." And Cinderella swept out of the room, and ran out of the palace. As she ran, the clock finished chiming. Cinderellas clothes changed back into rags(破布), and the coach and horses were nowhere to be seen.

  The Prince tried to follow, but he couldnt catch up. When he reached(走到) the door, all he found was one glass slipper. He ran to the main door.

  "Was a beautiful girl just driven(赶) out of here?" he asked the guard(士兵).

  "No, your Highness. Ive only seen a scruffy servant(邋遢的仆人) girl," the guard answered.

  "Ive lost her," said the Prince, and he returned sadly to the palace.

  The next morning, Cinderellas stepmother and stepsisters were talking about the ball.

  The Prince meanwhile(同时) decided to look for the mysterious(神秘) girl he had fallen in love with. He issued(发表) a proclamation(公告). "Whoever the glass shoe fits(合适), shall be wife to the Prince."

  The Prince and his footman(仆人) went from house to house of all the ladies invited to the ball.

  He finally arrived at the stepmothers house.

  "Its my shoe!" cried Esmerelda, trying desperately(穿) to pull the shoe on.

  "Please, miss!" said the footman. "Your foot is too big. you will break the slipper(玻璃鞋)."

  Griselda tried the shoe, but her toes were far too long.

  "Is there anyone else?" asked the Prince.

  "Theres only Cinderella, the maid(女仆)," said the stepmother. "But she wasnt even at the ball."

  "All the ladies in the kingdom(王国) must try the slipper," said the footman.

  Cinderella was called from the kitchen. Esmerelda and Griselda laughed when they saw how dirty she was. But their laughter turned to tears when they saw Cinderellas foot slide easily into the slipper.

  "Oh!" they cried. "It fits!"

  The Prince looked at Cinderella and realised that she was the girl that he had fallen in love with.

  Cinderella took the other slipper from her pocket(口袋) and put it on.

  The Prince was happy to have found her, and on a bright sunny day, he and Cinderella were married. They lived happily ever after.




  “你将是我们的仆人(仆人),说:”她的继母(继母)。 “你会做的一切,我们说的。”



  “有渣(煤渣)在你的衣服!”惊呼(喊叫)的继母。 “灰姑娘。这就是你的新名称。清除这些东西拿走,灰姑娘”。

  “灰姑娘!灰姑娘!” Esmerelda和Griselda说。 “哦,你真聪明,妈妈!”



  “国王是有一个球,”她兴奋地说(兴奋)。 “他的是一个王子的妻子看,噢,亲爱的,这是美妙的。他可能会选择一个你,但会这样艰难的抉择。


  “你!当然(当然)不!”惊呼(惊呼)她的继母。 “本以为这样的事情。一个破旧的仆人(破旧的仆人)去一个球,当时只有漂亮的小姐是请!”

  “哈!哈!”姐姐笑着说。 “漂亮!这还不包括对自己的女儿!”











  “我的门了。”一个陌生的女人走到灰姑娘。 “我听说你有一天,希望你能去参加舞会。好了,今天晚上的球,而你去。”

  “怎么会呢?”问灰姑娘。 “你可以做什么?”

  “只要我想,”那个女人说。 “我是你的童话(仙女)教母,我是来送你到球。


  “来吧,”她说。 “擦干眼泪(擦干眼泪)。我们有工作要做。我需要一个大南瓜(南瓜),两只老鼠(老鼠)和一只青蛙。你能找到这些?”






  灰姑娘拍手(拍)她的手。 “它真美!”她哭了。



  “像什么?”问仙女教母。 “你看上去可爱极了我。”


  “哦,仙女教母,说:”灰姑娘。 “这是可爱。我该如何感谢你呢?”

  “通过进入球”之称的仙女教母。 “关你去,但要记住,神奇的停在午夜(午夜)工作。一切都将改变当时的情况。现在去欣赏自己。”





  一个时钟报时(报时)提醒她的仙女教母的警告(警告)灰姑娘。 这必须是十一时,她的思想(告知),但她问便知。 “现在是什么时候?”


  “噢,不!”哭了灰姑娘。 “我必须去!”








  王子同时(同时)决定寻找神秘(神秘)女孩,他已经爱上了。他发表(发表)的公告(公告)。 “谁的玻璃鞋适合(合适),应当对王子的妻子。”




  “请,小姐!”仆人说,。 “你的脚太大。您将打破拖鞋(玻璃鞋)。”



  “只有灰姑娘,女仆(女仆)”之称的继母。 “但是她甚至在球没有。”


  灰姑娘被称为从厨房。 Esmerelda和Griselda笑了,他们看到她有多脏。但是,他们的笑声变成了眼泪,当他们看到灰姑娘到拖鞋的脚滑容易。

  “哦!”他们喊着。 “它适合!”












