

时间:2022-03-31 06:04:58 员工培训 我要投稿
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  The good news is that you've just hired a terrific person for that open position. The bad news is that, unless you set up that new employee for success, he or she may not realize his/her potential.好消息,你终于聘请到一个厉害的员工填补职位空缺了。但坏消息是,除非你逐步培养那名新员工走向成功,不然他/她不一定能够意识到自己的潜能。


  To get the most out of your new hire, you need to develop an effective orientation process. Although orientation shouldn't just be a one-day meeting, it usually begins with a kick-off session.为了发掘你的新员工的最大潜力,你必须制定一套有效的新员工培训方法。尽管新人培训并非参加一次会议就能完成,但它常常是一触即发的一步。

  Unfortunately, in many companies, that session has been around so long that it's become dusty and moldy.很遗憾,在许多公司机构里,那个“一触即发”的步骤占用的时间非常多,逐渐沦为封尘发霉的计划了。

  That's why every year you should take a close look at your orientation session and look for ways to refresh the experience. Here are 5 ways to ban boring meetings and breathe new energy into orientation programs:所以你每年不得不重新审视一番你的新人培训计划,寻找别的方法更新经验。下面为您介绍5个为会议注入新能量的技巧,让沉闷的会议不再出现。

  1. Set focused objectives.1. 设定重点目标

  Is the emphasis on company knowledge? Engaging new employees in the culture (which can be defined as how we work together)? Understanding how their job fits in to the strategy? Decide on a few focus areas, and handle other activities a different way.会议的重心是否放在了公司的知识管理上?是否帮助新员工融入公司的文化氛围(即共同合作)?是否了解他们的职责与公司策略的适应性?你得确定几个需要重点关注的方面,然后用不同的方式处理别的任务。

  2. Don't treat the orientation program as a catchall for everything a new employee needs to know or do.2. 不要把新生培训当作新员工全盘接收的容器。

  The new employee has to fill out forms, for example, but that's an activity that can be handled another time--even before the first day of work.比如,新员工必须填写表格,但这是一个可以找其他时间完成的任务,甚至可以在到岗前就能完成的事情。

  3. Give new employees a chance to interact with each other.3. 为新员工创造与其他人互动的机会。

  If you want to bust silos and give people a chance to get to know one another, you might schedule a couple of orientation programs a year and bring together employees from different geographies. If it's more important to get employees up to speed quickly, you may hold more frequent orientation programs in different locations. In either case, make sure you include "getting to know you" time in your agenda.如果你想要打破沉默,给员工们一个互相了解的机会,那么你就需要在一年里安排几次新人培训活动,然后召集不同岗位的员工一起参与。如果你认为鼓舞员工们迅速投入到工作当中更重要,那么你就需要在不同的地点安排多次的新员工培训会议。不管是何种情况,请记住在日程当中添加“互相认识”的一个环节。

  4. Think about the advantages/disadvantages of "going virtual."4. 考虑使用“虚拟化”的利或弊。

  After all, with today's online learning and web/videoconferencing meetings, you don't have to have a physical orientation program. So you may choose to make all or part of your orientation program a virtual experience.毕竟,如今已经普遍使用在线学习和网络/视频会议了,你也不必安排亲身体验的新员工培训。所以你可以把整个或部分新员工培训环节设定为一次虚拟的体验。

  5. Bust open the traditional boring agenda.5. 打破传统,抛弃死板的流程。

  If new employees have to sit still in their seats all day, listening to people lecture and watching PowerPoint, they're not going to be jazzed up about your organization. You've made a big investment in hiring these new employees and bringing them together. An orientation session shouldn't be a passive activity; it should be a motivating, participative experience.如果新员工们被要求整天一动不动地坐着听讲座看幻灯片,他们可不会对你的公司有任何欢呼雀跃的期待。你已经在招聘和召集他们这两个环节中投入许多资源了,所以新员工培训的过程就不应该采取被动的形式,而应当是一次激动人心,有参与感的体验。










