

时间:2022-05-11 15:36:25 重阳节 我要投稿
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重阳节的由来 农历九月九日,为传统的重阳节。因为古老的《易经》中把“六”定为阴数,把“九”定为阳数,九月九日,日月并阳,两九相重,故而叫重阳,也叫重九,古人认为是个值得庆贺的吉利日子,并且从很早就开始过此节日。






Double Ninth Festival

The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival. It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar. In an ancient and mysterious book Yi Jing, or The Book of Changes, number "6" was thought to be of Yin character, meaning feminine or negative, while number "9" was thought to be Yang, meaning masculine or positive. So the number nine in both month and day create the Double Ninth Festival, or Chongyang Festival. Chong in Chinese means "double." Also, as double ninth was pronounced the same as the word to signify "forever", both are "Jiu Jiu," the Chinese ancestors considered it an auspicious day worth celebration. That's why ancient Chinese began to celebrate this festival long time ago.

The custom of ascending a height to avoid epidemics was passed down from long time ago. Therefore, the Double Ninth Festival is also called "Height Ascending Festival". The height people will reach is usually a mountain or a tower. Ancient literary figures have left many poems depicting the activity. Even today, people still swarm to famous or little known mountains on this day.

On this day, people will eat Double Ninth Gao (or Cake). In Chinese, gao (cake) has the same pronunciation with gao (height). People do so just to hope progress in everything they are engaged in. There is no fixed ways for the Double Ninth Cake, but super cakes will have as many as nine layers, looking like a tower.

The Double Ninth Festival is also a time when chrysanthemum blooms. China boasts diversified species of chrysanthemum and people have loved them since ancient times. So enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum also becomes a key activity on this festival. Also, people will drink chrysanthemum wine. Women used to stick such a flower into their hair or hang its branches on windows or doors to avoid evilness.

In 1989, the Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as Seniors' Day. Since then, all government units, organizations and streets communities will organize an autumn trip each year for those who have retired from their posts. At the waterside or on the mountains, the seniors will find themselves merged into nature. Younger generations will bring elder ones to suburban areas or send gifts to them on this day.

重阳节的来历英文版介绍要怎么写2016-09-26 18:15 | #2楼

nine nine chongyang, as early as the spring and autumn when the “chu word” has mentioned. qu yuan wrote the “travel”: “in chongyang emperor palace xi, made late beginning and view all”. here the “chongyang” is the day, but that day. three kingdoms caopi the 9th and zhongyou book, write clearly the double ninth festival banquet the: “to the age of the month, suddenly again in september 9th. nine is a positive number, and the sun and should, vulgar kerry, that the desirability of long-term, so as to enjoy dinner will be high.”

the jin dynasty scholar tao yuanming in “the nine day” at the poem said: “in the name of love or leisure. chrysanthemum ying park, held by the hostess mash extravagant, in memory of the mountain words”. here at the same time to mention chrysanthemum and wine. probably in the wei and jin dynasties, chongyang has been drinking, chrysanthemum practice. to the tang dynasty festival was officially designated as a folk festival.

to the ming dynasty, the chung yeung festival in september, the palace to ate cake to celebrate, the emperor to personally to long live in the mountains, to chang qiuzhi. this custom has been passed down the qing dynasty.

origin of the festival, a fairy story originated from taoism:

legend has it that in the eastern han dynasty, ruhe have a blast demons, as long as it appeared, every household will have people fell ill, even every day people were killed and the area people suffered as a result of the devil of plague ravaged, too horrible to look at.

at that time, there was a young man named king of ru'nan county, one year plague took his parents, he almost lost his life. heng jing recovered, he said goodbye to his beloved wife and his people, determined to visit xian conservatory out, the people. heng jing has experienced hardships and dangers, and finally found a fairy of a supernatural power in a gushan immortal spirit he spares no pains, pesticides moved decided to accept him as a disciple, give him a demon sword, and dense impart to decline demon fencing. heng jing to work hard day and night, and finally out of an extraordinary wu yi.

one day, immortal heng jing call to him, to him said: “tomorrow is the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, blast demons and evil will come out. now you ability have already learn, should go back to the people from harm!”. at this time, the fairy gave constant scene a pack of cornus leaf, chrysanthemum, a bottle of wine, and granted to ward off evil secret, let heng jing immediately riding crane hurried home to.

heng jing returned home, in the morning of september 9, he in accordance with the fairy asked to folks get near a mountain, gave them each a piece of cornus leaf, a cup of chrysanthemum wine. at noon, the wind began to howl. the north wind whips, tianhundian, with a few times to sad and shrillly bellow, blast demons rushed out of the ru river, rushed to the foot of the mountain. at this time, the devil suddenly smelled one of the odd flavor and chrysanthemum wine mellow, faces mutation, trembling, dare not move forward. in a twinkling, constant scene holding decline demon sword, immediately ran down the mountain, after several rounds of fierce fighting, the constant scene will be stabbed to death in the temperature magic to eliminate plague. since then, the annual lunar new year in september 9th, climbing and epidemics the custom handed down year after year.

is said to in the central plains of traditional values, double nine meaning long life, health and longevity, so people double ninth festival is also called the festival for the elderly.

nine nine chongyang, and history. early in the warring states period, qu yuan wrote: “in the” travel “into the imperial palace in chongyang xi, made late beginning and view all”. the cao pi in the “nine book” with bell you said: “to the age of months, suddenly again in september 9th. nine is a positive number, and the sun and should, vulgar kerry, that the desirability of long-term, so as to enjoy dinner will be high.” he has made clear the chongyang banquets. jin tao yuanming in “the nine day” at the poem said: “in the name of love or leisure. chrysanthemum ying park, held by the hostess mash extravagant, in memory of the mountain words”. here also noted chrysanthemum and wine, in the wei and jin dynasties, chongyang has been drinking, chrysanthemum customs. to the tang dynasty, chongyang was officially designated as a folk festival. to the ming dynasty, the chung yeung festival in september, the palace to ate cake to celebrate, the emperor to personally to long live in the mountains, to chang qiuzhi. this custom has been passed down the qing dynasty.





















