

时间:2022-04-18 11:38:11 招聘与面试 我要投稿
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收到面试通知书后,如有特殊情况,您可以要求改期面试,但只限改期一次。面试时应注意:申请人、配偶及18 岁以上子女都要列席; 18 岁以上子女倘若在国外读书者,可被安排在当地面试。回答问题时,不容许配偶代答。





( 1 )学历、文凭、证书;

( 2 )学徒证明、学术证明及任何支持你的工作表现、事业成就资料任何支持你的个人特殊技能资料。注意:无须出示没有建设性之资料;

( 3 )结婚证书/离婚证书份居证书/子女抚养权;

( 4 )出生证明;

( 5 )离职、受聘证明;

( 6 )无刑事处分证明书;

( 7 )有效护照、身份证;

( 8 )银行存款:最后 24 个月之月结单

面试守则 :




技巧 1 :第一印象永远最重要,当移民加拿大的申请人一出现在面试官面前时,其仪表修养已给移民官留下了第一印象,在移民官的潜意识中已定下了该申请人的基本素质的档次。太平洋加达移民专家强调说,当然,申请人其后的优秀表现可挽回其不良的第一印象,但如果移民加拿大的申请人不能在面试的第一瞬间就给移民官建立一个良好的印象的话,其后的面试就有可能在不利的情况下进行。

技巧 2 :表述时间长反而有加分,对于许多独立移民加拿大的申请人来说,其口头表达能力往往优于其听的能力。移民加拿大的申请人应在面试前就对其个人情况和其职业范围的英语表达作好充分的准备。在面试中,针对移民官提的一些关键问题,可在回答时尽量发挥。对于重要问题的回答,如果由于表述的详细而延长了时间,你可能会担心移民官是否有耐心听完,甚至于会遭到移民官的反感。实则不然。“表述时间长并不会导致移民官的反感,反而有可能被移民官认为具有较好的语言能力。比如,有关职业职能和工作经验的问题,都应尽量发挥。通过利用较强的口头表达能力来避免较弱的听的能力,可使其英语能力得到超水平的发挥。

机巧 3 :化面试中的被动为主动,在面试中,面试者应是主动的,被面试者应是被动的。但如果被面试者能够发挥其智慧,采用一些聪明的面试策略的话,则有可能巧妙地将其被动的身份转化为主动的身份。对于加拿大独立移民的面试来说,移民加拿大的申请人可通过将话题尽量引入自己所熟悉的领域,并在此话题上适当发挥,变面试中的被动为主动,以争取面试的通过。

面试中常遇到的问题 2015-10-17 11:49 | #2楼

Please tell me how you work... ?

How long have you been working ?

How long have you been working in this firm ?

How long since you are in the position of(secretary/engineer/accountant) ?

Please tell me your daily duties & responsibilities ?

Please tell me how you manage to operate your daily work ?

What sort of business/trade is the firm you are now working ?

Would you please describe the business nature of your firm ?

How do you assist your superior officer ?

How many employees are there in your firm ?

How many staff are there in your department ?

What is your position in your firm ?

How many persons under your supervision ?

Do you help to train personnel ? How ?

What is the annual business turn-over of your firm ?

Have you received any professional training ? When ? Type of Certificate issued ?

Have you received any on the job training ?

Can you manage to operate computers ?

What do you know about computers ?

What is your knowledge on clerical duties ?

As a (secretary / engineer / accountant), please tell me your professional skills, and your abilities to carry out your job ?

What are your outstanding achievements / performances, worthwhile to tell me ? Certificate / Awards ?

Have you ever visited Canada before ? When ? On what purpose ?

How much money will you bring into Canada ?

What is your ability in English/ French ?

Can you speak English / French ?

What would you do if you fail to secure a (secretarial / engineering / accounting)job ?

What makes you so sure that you are a qualified immigrant ?

Why do you want to go to Canada?

What do you know about Canada?

How do you think Canadian economy?

You know Canada has one of the best social welfare systems/health systems in the world. How do you think of it?

What particular things do you like in Canada?

Why do you want to leave China?

How do you think the experience you have in China?

Do you go to Canada because you are not successful in China?

Where are you going to settle (or live) in Canada?

What do you know about Vancouver, the place you’re going to live?

Tell me anything you know about Vancouver?

Why would you like to settle in Vancouver?

Tell me any other cities you know in Canada.

Have you heard anything about Canada in Chinese media recently?

What’s your impression on Vancouver (Canada)?

What do you think about Canadian political system?

Have you been to Canada (any other countries besides Thailand)?

What is the biggest city in Canada?

Who is the premier of Canada?

Why don't you go to USA?

How many people are there in your family?

Why do you leave your spouse/child/parents behind?

Did your parent agree with you on immigration?

Does your spouse have any plan when she accompanies you to Canada?

Why don’t you bring your child with you to Canada?

What kind of QUALIFICATION did you get?

What university did you graduate?

Is your University famous?

Tell me something about your university?

What’s your major?

Since you have graduated from the university for more than 10 years, how can you catch up the fast-growing world?

What have you learnt in your university?

Have the course you studied in the university helped you?

Did you get any award in the university?

How long have you studied English?

Can you speak any other language?

Do you have any other languages or skills, which might assist you to find a job in Canada?

Do you have to speak English, write English in your working environment?

How often do you use English?

Can you operate the computer?

What do you know about internet?

Have you received any professional training?

Have you received any on-site job training?

You studied Physics (or other field), why do you apply as a computer programmer?

Do you have any professional license/certificate?

How did the training help you in your present career?

In what company are you working at present?

Can you tell me something about your company?

How many employees are there in your companies?

Tell me the detail of your colleagues’job titles?

How long have you been working in the company?

How long have you been working in this firm since your graduation?

How long have you been in the position?

Who do you report your work to?

What is the position in your company?

How many staffs do you supervise?

What's the main business of your company? Name of general manager?

What have you done in your work?

What are your responsibilities?

What are your achievements?

Tell me one of your biggest achievements?

Why did you work in the same company for so long?

Do you know any company in Canada, which offers the same service as your company?

What's your routine work?

Do you have a reference letter from the present employer?

After you land in Canada, what sort of job you plan to look for and how long you believe will take you before you can successfully get a job offer?

Why do you think you can be successful in Canada, while many other immigrants have failed in their career?

Why do you think you can live and be successful in Canada at your age?

How can you find a job in Canada?

If I approve your application, do you think you will have any problems to adapt the new living style in Canada?If no, tell me why you have confidence to adapt to the new environment?

What plans have you made to live in Canada?

How can you survive in Canada?

What are you going to do if you cannot find a job in Canada? How will your friends help you?

What will be the first important thing you are going to do after arrival in Canada?

What’s your Career Objective?

You know a lot of Hong Kong people have come back from Canada, how do you think about it?

Can you tell me something about your career?

Why are you certain that you can be qualified as a successful immigrant?

Do you have any idea about the job market in your occupation in Canada?

Have you done any research about job opportunities in Canada?

Do you know anything about the present employment situation in Canada?

Do you have any relatives or friends in Canada who could assist you?

What are your relatives (friends) doing in Canada?

What are you going to do if you have no money and nobody is willing to help you?

Do you have enough money to support yourself and your family if you can’t find a job immediately?

How much transferable funds and other personal assets do you have? Do you have a summary of your assets?

2 移民面试中的常问问题



1. This coaching memo is intended to help prepare you for you personal interview. Visa officers may vary of course in their style of conducting interviews. This memo, however, should give you a good idea of what questions may be asked and how to respond to them.

2. Dress for the interview as if you were applying for a job.

3. Bring all ORIGINAL of your documents which are requested.

4. Go over the application form before you got to the interview so that your answers will not contradict what is stated in the application.

5. Look directly to the interview officer when he/she is talking and while you are answering him/her.

6. Be courteous always. You may ask for the name of the Immigration Officer, unless he/she introduces himself/herself at the start of the interview. This is important, as we need the name of the interviewer for the purpose of following up the status of your application. If the officer has identified himself/herself, use his/her name once in a while.

7. In answering questions, be truthful. Also, be brief but as complete as possible in your replies. Do not give lengthy answers as the Interviewing Officer may be bored with your lengthy replies. Answer to the best of your knowledge.

8. Do not be argumentative. If you differ in opinion from the Immigration Officer on some matter, state your point but DO NOT argue.

9. If you do not know the reply to the question, say so. You may say:" I do not remember" or "I do not have the answer to that questions, but I can find out for you and let you know." If you are unsure of the answer, never guess, unless you first quality your answer by saying, "I am not sure, but I think it may have been...."

10. Do not volunteer information. Answer only the questions asked.

11. You need to convince the Interviewing Officer that:

- you are able to support yourself in Canada.

- you have enough money to live on if you should need to look for a job.

- you have some type of realization with Canada (list of friends/family).

- you will be able to establish yourself in Canada in the job that you proposed to do.

12. It is alright to ask what the next step is in the processing of your application.

For your information, it takes on the average anywhere from 2 to 6 months for visas to be issued from date of the interview. Should an Immigration Officer say otherwise, it is either the Immigration Officer is new or sometimes mentions an optimistic date. We are saying this so as not to create any false hopes in the applicant that the visas will be ready in 3 or 4 weeks, as had been mentioned in some interviews. We are just going by our actual experience.

13. You will be asked to sign your application forms in the presence of the Immigration Officer. It is during the interview that the best opportunity presents itself for the application to be sure that there will be no error in the visas, specially in connection with names and birth dates.

14. After the interview, it is important that you write down the questions asked and the replies you actually gave during the interview and that you forward the same to us as soon as possible. We would like to know of any concerns which the interviewing officer may have shown regarding your application. Again, this is important in our following up your case with the interviewing officer.

15. For your information, immigrant are giver a validity date equal to the validity of medical results. Medicals are valid for one year from the date they were taken. Extending visa expiry dates is not possible as new medicals have to be taken or as in other posts, a new application may have to be submitted.

Below are some questions and answers for your reference. These are the type of questions that you may be asked, and some sample responses. Do not memorize these answers. They are merely guidelines. Some of these questions may be worded differently, they may be omitted or others may be asked instead. Just answer the questions honestly.

Q Why do you want to migrate to Canada?

A I want to provide a better future and life for myself.

Q Why do you think Canada is a better place?

1. Canada is a peaceful democratic country and is politically stable.

2. Canada provides excellent opportunities for people who want to work hard. Even the United Nations has recognized Canada as the best place to live in.

3. Canada has a wonderful standard of living.

4. The health care system is also excellent.

5. Canada offers good opportunities to those who are willing to work hard, and I believe I will be very successful in Canada and will have a good life there. Canada has long been regarded as one of the best places in the world in which to live.

6. Canada is a multi-cultural society, where I can retain my culture and background and still feel that I belong here.

Q What do you know about Canada?

A I know Canada is a beautiful, peaceful, and clean country. The people are very friendly. It is politically stable, and democratic. Even the United Nations has recognized Canada as the best place to live. (Explain to the Immigration Officer how you know about Canada, for example, from relatives or friends who live/visit Canada, from the media/newspa-pe-r etc.). I know that Jean Chretien is the Prime Minister of Canada and the leader of the Liberal Party. Canada, http://cankao.gcw818.com

Q Why do you want to leave China permanently?

A As much as I like my country, I do not think that there are much prospects for a future. I would like to be able to settle down in a country that is more politically stable. I believe Canada holds a bright future for me.

Q Have you been to Canada before?

A No/Yes.

Q If you have never been to Canada, how do you know that you will like it?

A I have many friends and family in Canada, they keep me up to date with news of Canada. I also read about Canada whenever available in the newspa-pe-r.

Q How many years of education do you have?


Q What are you doing now?

A (Tell the officer about your present and previous duties and experience and place more emphasis on those related to the occupation in which you are applying.)

Q What documentary evidence can you show to prove previous working experience? How many staff you supervise?


Q What is your intended occupation in Canada?

A I would like to pursue the occupation of xx-xx

Q How many years of experience do you have in your intended occupation?


Q What makes you believe you are qualified to work as such in Canada?

A I am confident I can offer my expertise to my prospective employer in Canada. I have a great deal of training and experience in my occupation.

(Attached are job description of your intended occupation in Canada. You should be familiar with the same. You should not memorize them but use them as a guide in discussing your personal experience as it relates to the occupation. You should mention all your experiences, whether they were acquired in your present job or in previous ones. The idea is to show that you had actual experience in your intended occupations.)

Q Are you willing to take "any other job"?

A No. (You should not say "yes" to the question, since some visa officers take it as lack of conviction on the part of the applicant to pursue the intended occupation.)

Q There is a recession now in Canada. Jobs are difficult. Do you think you can find suitable employment in Canada?

A (There are some interviewing officers who delve deeply into the matter of finances, questioning how you can survive should you be unable to secure jobs in view of the present recession in Canada. You mentioned in your application form that you will bring with you to Canada over RMB90,000 in transferable money. You should be ready with proof regarding these. The more you can show, the better.)

I am a resourceful and determined person, and believe that with perseverance I will have no difficulty finding employment. I also believe that the economy is soon going to start improving.

Q Have you ever been refused visa before?

A Please answer truthfully.

Q Do you have relative in Canada?

A (You should know the circumstances about your relative, including the year he/she landed, where he/she lives, what he/she do for a living etc. (If asked where you intend to live upon arrival, you should say that you will be staying TEMPORARILY with a relative/friend and as soon as you gets a job, you would want to have your own apartment. You should therefore know about your relative/friend's address, house (if there is extra room for you, etc.)

Regarding your relative/friend, you should also know when he/she got landed in Canada and what he/she is now doing for a living, etc. any basic information to show that you are close to that relative/friend and therefore has offered you assistance.)

Q Where do you intend to go in Canada?

A I intend to go to Toronto, Ontario.

Q How much money do you intend to bring to Canada?

A I have assets of RMB90,000 as transferable money. (Please refer to figure stated in Item 22 of your application form. If there is an increase or decrease in the amount, you may explain due to income, sale of property etc. whatever the case may be, the idea is the more you are able to show, the better).

Q Do you think you can take Canadian winter?

A I know that it is very cold in the winter, but I am a very adaptable person, so I think I will become accustomed to the Canadian winters relatively easily. My friends in Canada have adjusted very easily to the winters. I also know that homes, schools, shopping centers, cars, buses, etc. are all heated, so exposure to the cold is limited. I do not think that I will have a problem.

Q Why do you have to hire a lawyer?/Why don't you hire a lawyer?

A ....

Q What did your lawyer tell you to say in the interview?

A ...

Q After you have landed in Canada, do you plan to go back to China?

A (Note: This question may be asked to test your sincerity in wanting to live in Canada. We suggest you answer as follows:) I will settle in Canada, stay permanently in Canada and make Canada my home, although I will return to China on vacation.

Q How soon are you planning to immigrate to Canada?

A Of course, as soon as I receive my visa.

At the conclusion of the interview, please ask the Interviewing Officer whether you have satisfied all criteria. If Immigration Officer tells you that he/she has to think about your application before recommending visas, ask "what is the area that you require clarification?" and provide explanation until he/she is convinced.










